Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (2024)

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10 min ago

Trump posts tribute on 80thanniversary of D-Day landings in Normandy

From CNN's Kate Sullivan

Former US President Donald Trump on Thursday posted a tribute to the “immortal heroes who landed at Normandy” to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

“Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago. The men of D-Day will live forever in history as among the bravest, noblest, and greatest Americans ever to walk the earth. They shed their blood, and thousands gave their lives, in defense of American Freedom. They are in our hearts today and for all time,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

1 min ago

France's Macron awards 3 more people the Legion of Honor

From CNN's Emmanuel Miculita and Joshua Berlinger in Paris

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (1)

French President Emmanuel Macron used the international ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day to award the Legion of Honor, France's highest military or civilian distinction, to three more American veterans: Joseph Miller, Richard Calvin Rung and Arlester Brown.

Earlier in the day, Macron awarded the Legion of Honor toChristian Lamb, a 104-year-old British woman credited with having made the maps for the D-Day landing, and 11 other American veterans.

53 min ago

Testimonials and musical performances are taking place during international ceremony

As the international ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Omaha Beach is underway, testimonials from those who fought in the war are currently being read out.

Along with the testimonials, musical performances are demonstrated in front of attendees.

French President Emmanuel Macron is set to deliver an address later during the ceremony.

44 min ago

Austin says "Ukraine matters" in the midst of D-Day ceremonies

From CNN's Shania Shelton

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (2)

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin discussed Russia's war in Ukraine while participating in D-Day ceremonies, telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer that "Ukraine matters."

"I have engaged membersof Congress on both sides, in both parties. I have seenthroughout strong support forUkraine, and even though it tooka while to get the legislationthrough, I was confident thatthat the right thing wasgoing to happen."

He continued, "Because anytimeyou see that type of support onboth sides of the aisle for acause, Congress will find away to get things done, whichis what they did in this case,because it's the right thingto do."

1 hr 15 min ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives at international ceremony to standing ovation

From CNN's Joshua Berlinger in Paris

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived at Thursday's international ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day to a standing ovation and a rousing applause.

Zelensky's presence — and Russian leader Vladimir Putin's absence, despite Soviet Russia's key role in winning the war in Europe — is highly symbolic given how the war in Ukraine is casting a shadow over the day's events.

Several world leaders have already used their speeches to cast parallels between Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the aggression of Nazi Germany that sparked World War II.

Watch the moment here:

1 hr 29 min ago

How French organizers are trying to tailor Thursday's commemoration to centenarians

From CNN's Joshua Berlinger in Paris

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (3)

This afternoon's international ceremony on Omaha Beach marking 80 years since the D-Day landings may very well be the last major commemoration to involve living veterans in significant numbers. Major events are held every five years, and all of the veterans are in their late 90s or early 100s.

About 200 veterans are believed to have traveled to Normandy for today's events -- approximately 150 from the United States and more than 40 from the United Kingdom. Another 15 were part of the Canadian delegation that made the transatlantic trip.

"Veterans are the heart of this commemoration," said Gen. Michel Delion, the CEO of the French government agency in charge of the French commemoration efforts, Mission Liberation. “We are perfectly aware that for these centenarians, this is maybe the last chance to return to the beaches where they landed, where they fought and where their brothers-in-arms fell,”

Delion told reporters in April that organizers were attempting to do everything they could to make the ceremony as easy as possible for the centenarians in attendance. Their rehearsals even included wheelchair runs, Delion said.

Among the measures Delion said he and his team were planning on taking were keeping the ceremonies less than an hour in length and trying to ensure they start on time so that the centenarians wouldn't spend too much time seated.

A handful of veterans also arrived at the ceremony after many official dignitaries and heads of state and government, in a break with normal protocol for these types of events.

Delion said in April that French organizers were considering such a move as a means of making the ceremony easier on vets.

1 hr 46 min ago

British woman who helped make the maps for D-Day landing among those awarded with French honor

From CNN's Antoinette Radford

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (4)

Among those awarded a Legion of Honor — France's highest civilian and military award — today was British woman Christian Lamb.

Lamb, now 104 years old, enlisted in the army in 1939 as a first aid worker before eventually joining the Women’s Royal Navy Service – also known as the Wrens.

She proved herself as a capable mariner, and was quickly promoted through the ranks, ultimately posted to Winston Churchill’s War Rooms in London, where Britain’s war operations were planned.

She is credited with having made the maps for the D-Day landing.

59 min ago

Veteran and TikTok star says "we were all in this together" while reflecting on D-Day anniversary

From CNN's Shania Shelton

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (5)

Jake Larson, veteran and TikTok star, said that heroes gave up their life so that he could make it, while discussing the 80th anniversary of theD-Day landingsin Normandy.

"I don't think I was a hero. I, I was just like everybody else. We, we were all in this together," he told CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

"My god I had, I got a wife, I got children, I got two boys and a girl. I got nine grandchildren. I got 11 great grandchildren. I've got a grandson that's a grandfather and I'm still going. Crazy!" he said.

Asked if he'd come back to Normandy again, Larson said, "Yes, I'd come back again just to honor all those that gave their life so that I could be here."

Live updates: D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, Biden, Macron, Zelensky, Prince William attend (2024)


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