Top 5 Boxing Gyms In The USA for Aspiring Boxers In 2021 – (2024)

Whether you are an amaetur looking to go pro, or just a boxing fan who is on the hunt for the very best training, finding the right gym can make all the difference. Not all boxing gyms are created equal, and the best of the best include our top five examples:

  1. Gleasons Gym
  2. Front Street Gym
  3. Johnny Tocco
  4. Wild Card Boxing
  5. 5th Street Gym

We will now take a look at these top 5 boxing gyms, and explore just why they are the very best in the USA for aspiring boxers.

  1. Gleasons Gym, NYC

Gleason’s Gym has a sterling reputation in the boxing world, and with good reason – it boasts a unique reputation as one of the oldest boxing gyms not only in the city, but in the entire USA. The space was originally founded in 1937 by Peter Robert Gagliardi, a professional flyweight who transferred to bantamweight who reinvented himself as Bobby Gleason, in an attempt to blend in with a predominantly Irish New York fight crowd. Things were tough for the first few years, with Gleason forced to hack cabs at night to pay the dues and rent for the gym. By the 1960’s, the space was the last remnant of the so-called “Golden Age” of boxing in New York City, and fighters were waiting around an hour and a half for their chance to get into the ring, and names such as Phil Terranove – winner of the NBA Featherweight title in New Orleans – and Mike Belloise (holder of the World Featherweight title) made their name in this ring. In 1964, Muhammad Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, trained in Gleasons before going on to take the World Heavyweight title, and the reputation of the gym continued to go from strength to strength, earning a place as one of the oldest and best gyms in New York, and the wider boxing world.

These days, Gleasons still retains its formidable reputation, and is one of the top options for aspiring boxers on the East coast. Members continue to train under the watchful eye of some of the top trainers in boxing and MMA, including Hector Roca, Heather Hardy and Lennox Blackmoore. Fighters describe the space as a great community for both beginners and experts, and the atmosphere as heavy with the weight of history, the making of champions, and the discipline required to succeed.

  1. Front Street Gym, Philadelphia

Another must-try gym for aspiring boxers is the Front Street Gym located in Philly; this space was once referred to by as one of the most famous gyms in boxing, and it is the epitome of old-school gyms, popularised by the likes of “Million Dollar Baby” and “Rocky”. The gym has existed since the early 1960s, and started life in another location, on Front anfand West Widley streets, before moving to its present location, and being renamed the John Hennelly Boys Club, named after a much loved carpenter who died while working on the gym. It changed hands again in the 1980s, when Frank Kuback took charge, and since this date, the space has become renowned for training champions, including names such as Tony Thornton, Jesse Ferguson, and Olympic gold medallist Meldrick Taylor.

The rich fighting history of Front Street Gym helps to boost its appeal, as does its location in a tough Philly neighbourhood. This is a gym with an inclusive and welcoming vibe, and fighters come from a huge variety of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. Many members come from the surrounding neighbourhoods, which are rife with issues including crime, drugs and poverty, and Kubach and his team of elite trainers – which includes professional fighter Terrence Lewis – work closely with the fighters who join – this includes kids. This diverse makeup and inclusive nature of Front Street, combined with a reputation for excellence and a history of producing champions, makes it a must-try gym for aspiring, new and up and coming fighters across Philadelphia and the wider United States. Those who have participated have noted the supportive yet disciplined environment, and the attention to detail which can transform a good fighter into a great one.

  1. Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Boxing Gym

Another must-try boxing gym for aspiring boxers is located in Las Vegas, and was opened by Johnny Tocco in the early 1950’s. Tocco continued to run the gym for over 40 years, and trained a number of substantial names in the boxing game, including heavyweight champions Michael Dokes, Larry Holmes and Charles “Sonny” Liston. Fighters of all abilities and experience levels have noted the compassion and attention Johnny offered each of his fighters, in addition to a tremendous love for both boxing and his local community. This helped the Johnny Tocco gym to become a crucial hub of the community, and an important place for boxing enthusiasts of abilities. Tocco sold the gym in 1997, and died shortly after, but the reputation and iconic status of the gym remains to this day. In 2021, the gym will be owned by CJ Wiggins, who, alongside his team of trainers, offer a wide range of services and training classes to fighters of all experience levels.

The status, prestige and rich history of Johnny Tocco’s means that it is a great option for aspiring fighters – its location in Vegas, also known as the “mecca” of boxing, also helps to boost its status. No matter your experience levels, this is a perfect place for an up and coming fighter to hone their skills, boost their experience, and learn from first class trainers in a vibrant hub of boxing history.

  1. Wild Card Boxing Club

The Wild Card Boxing Club is one of the top spots for California residents, and has been a popular option for aspiring boxers ever since it opened its doors 30 years ago. The establishment is owned by fighter Freddie Roach, who opened his gym after training actor Mickey Rourke. While Roach may not have had a hugely decorated career, he nonetheless has established an incredible record for first class coaching, and embodies the core values of boxing; dedication, commitment, discipline and respect. From Massachusetts, Roach came to LA to establish the Wild Card, and went on to train a wide range of top-ranked fighters, with names such as Amir Khan, Miguel Cotto and James Toney all having stepped into the ring during the life of the gym. Perhaps the most famous export from the establishment, however, is Manny Pacquiao, a premium fighter who has gone toe to toe with names such as Ricky Hatton, Floyd Mayweather Jr and Juan Manuel Marquez – all while fighting in the Wild Card.

While the ring is dominated by big names, members of the public can also train at the gym; reviews from fighters praise the warm, welcoming and supportive atmosphere, as well as a host of top quality trainers on hand to put Marvin Somodio, a key member of Manny Pacquiao’s team. For aspiring fighters, this is an amazing opportunity to train in a truly iconic space, and a chance to put your skills to the test under the watchful eye of experienced, professional fighters who have more than earned their place at the very top of the sport.

  1. 5th Street Gym

5th Street Gym is a must try spot for any aspiring boxers in Miami Beach, and has been a pinnacle of the boxing community since 1950, when it grew to life under the watchful eye of Chris Dundee and his brother, Angelo. Names such as Sylvester Stallone, Sean Connery and Malcom X have long been attached to the space, the 5th Street has a long history of training and working fighters from beginners, right up to professionals, including world champions such as Carmen Basilio, Willie Pastrano, and, of course, Muhammad Ali. Miami Beach names the gym as one of its main treasures, and there is no denying that it has helped to shape the history of this region. Nowadays, the gym is owned and run by Tom Tsatas, a passionate boxing fan, and advocate for bringing the sport of boxing to aspiring fighters of all abilities. Tsatas works alongside Dino Spencer – a student of Angelo, and a man with a long connection to the gym – Spencer also has the prowess of training under the famous Freddy Roach. Together, the dynamic duo offer a supportive, engaging experience and training programme for fighters of all abilities, all surrounded by the history and atmosphere of great fighters from days gone by.

These days, 5th Street is a lively and vibrant training community, dedicated to bringing out the very best from aspiring fighters, and helping them to develop their skills, strength and style. Fans have described the environment as historic and atmospheric, and have praised the skillful, patient skill of the trainers – most of whom are professionals and champion fighters themselves – as well as the amazing history of the building itself – training in such a space is sure to be an inspiring and motivating experience.

Top 5 Boxing Gyms In The USA for Aspiring Boxers In 2021 – (2024)


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