(PDF) Mister Loaf MK Home Bakery Bread Maker Model HB211 Instruction Manual & Recipes HB 211 - PDFSLIDE.US (2024)

Free downloadable instruction manual and recipes for the Mister Loaf MK Home Bakery breadmaker model HB-211 courtesy of Breadmaker Part Store, Ohio USA You must be signed in as a member to download this file. Registration is free. Click “Save” to download and save the complete pdf document file to your computer. &,abm,and,appliance,argos,art,article,aldi,asda,automatic,baker,bakery,bell,beerman,book,booklet,bread,breadmaker,care,cat,catalog,code,cook,cookbook,copy,corp,conglomerate,corporation,countertop,custom,data,deluxe,digital,directions,document,domestic,dough,download,downloadable,ebook,elder,electric,electronic,elite,English,equipment,factory,file,free,guide,group,hard,hardcopy,Hometec,household,info,information,instruction,inc,incorporated,ingredient,jarden,kmart,kitchen,kohls,language,leaflet,lidl,limited,ltd,machine,make,maker,manual,manuel,manufacturer,mdl,Meijer,mod,model,Montgomery,nbr,no,number,of,operation,operator,order,original,owner,pamphlet,part,pdf,personal.pty,pulse,recipe,ref,reference,regal,replacement,robuck,scan,sears,seb,Seiko,serie,series,serial,soft,softcopy,spare,style,tabletop,ty,type,use,user,version,Walmart,ward,ware,woolworths

(PDF) Mister Loaf MK Home Bakery Bread Maker Model HB211 Instruction Manual & Recipes HB 211 - PDFSLIDE.US (1)


Bread Maker Model HB211

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Instruction Manual & Recipes Brought to you by:

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Part Names

Drive Shaft (inside)

Oven Chamber

Kneading Blade





Control Panel



Power Supply Cord


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About Your Bread maker

Automatic Bread Baking Your new breadmaker bakes fresh bread in two hours and twenty

minutes. All you have to do is measure the ingredients into the bread pan in the sequence listed, position the bread pan in the oven chamber and press the Start button. The breadmaker mixes. kneads. rises, punches down and bakes the bread.

Dough Making The breadmaker can be used for making dough for homemade rolls. pizza, coffee cakes and more. The breadmaker mixes. kneads. lets rise and punches down in forty five minutes. You remove the dough to shape it by hand, let rise a final time and bake in your conven­tional oven, according to recipe directions.

Cycle Times


Mix/Knead 20 Min

First Rise 25Min

Punch Down 5 Sec

Final Rise 55 Min

Bake 40 Min

Total Time 2 Hrs 20 Min

Control Panel When pressing a control button, be sure to hold in in until you hear a "beep" sound. indicating contact has been made . The lights on the control panel will flash to indicate that the process shown is taking place. When baking is complete , only the Complete light will glow.

Start Button


20 Min

25 Min

5 Sec


45 Min

o Knead/Rise Gl c Bake o Complete

After ingredients are in bread pan and the bread pan is in place , press the Start button to start the process. If the oven chamber is too warm, the Knead/Rise light will flash ; while the Bake and Complete lights glow and the breadmaker will not work. Simply open the lid and let breadmaker stand for 10 to 15 minutes before attempting to start again.

Stop Button Press Stop to tum off power when baking is completed, or to reset the process. The button must be pressed for two to three seconds to take effect.

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Display Information

You should always use the breadmaker in a room that is free of drafts. and is at least 55.F/13·c, but not warmer than 90"F/32"C. Do not use breadmaker in an unheated garage, outdoors, near a heat vent. or in direct sunlight. Generally the control panel will tell you what is happening with your bread­maker. Here are some points to consider.

Message Reason Solution

Knead/Rise Oven chamber is too warm, Open cover, remove bread Aashing above 100.F/38·c. pan and allow to cool with

cover open. The unit will tone when cool enough to restart.

Complete Oven chamber is too warm Move breadmaker to a Flashing & all during the rising cycle(s). cooler location. other lights Breadmaker could be in direct glowing sunlight or near heat vent.

All lights Just plugged in. Press the Stop button to Flashing clear display.

Complete Cycle complete. Press Stop button and Flashing unplug breadmaker.

Before Calling for Service

Problem Solution

The unit does not operate after pushing the Start button.

• Unplugged. • Did not push Stop to clear display.

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Tips for Breadmakers

Breadm.aking Terms

• Knead If working by hand, kneading means folding the dough towards you and then pushing it away with the heel of your hand in a rocking motion, rotating the dough one quarter of a tum. You repeat this until the dough is smooth and blistered . When using your Breadmaker, this process is done automati­cally for you.

•Rise The dough is kept at the proper temperature to activate the yeast. By hand, you would put the dough in a bowl and cover it, keeping it out of drafts. until the dough doubles its size, usually for an hour or more. This is done automatically in your Breadmaker.

•Punch .Down The gas trapped in the dough is pressed out to make a better dough. When making bread manually, you would actually "punch down" the dough. Your breadmaker automatically does this for you at precisely the right time!

•Bake After dough rises , it becomes bread by baking . Your bread­maker bakes the bread for you right ·in the same pan. With the Dough setting, you remove the dough at a specified time, shape it into rolls, pizza crust , etc ., allow it to rise a final time and bake it in your conventional oven.

• Cool Remove bread when baking is completed. Let stand on wire rack to cool . Bread that is left in the breadmaker to cool accumu­lates moisture and the crust will become "soggy".

• Measuring With Standard Measures

Dry ingredients: spoon into stan­dard dry measuring cup until overflowing. Level off with straight-edged spatula.

Brown sugar or shortening : press firmly into standard dry measuring cup, or measuring spoon. Level off with straight­edged spatula.

Baking powder , baking soda. salt, spices, dry milk: fill standard measuring spoon to overflowing. Level off with straight- edged spatula.

Liquid ingredients: place stan­dard liquid measuring cup (8 fluid ounces) on level surface. Fill to specified mark and check mea­surement at eye level. top of liquid should be even with indi­cator line on the cup. Use stan­dard measuring spoons for small amounts of liquid

(see equivalency chart)

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Flour Store all flour in a cool dry place (70"F/21"C or less), away from heat. For maximum shelf life. flour may be stored in the refrig­erator or freezer. If stored cor­rectly flour will stay fresh up to 2 years. Always bring flour to room temperature before using it in your bread maker. To measure accurately, spoon decanted flour into a standard dry measuring cup, then level off with the straight edge of a knife or spatula.

Bread Flour Bread Rour is milled from hard wheat and contains a higher per­centage of protein than regular all-purpose flour, usually 14% or higher. This is also _referred to as the gluten content, which gives structure and height to bread. If bread flour is not available in your area, any all-purpose flour with a protein content of 14% or higher is an acceptable substitution. Bread flour requires no sifting.

Whole Wheat Flour Sometimes called graham flour, Whole Wheat Rour is milled from the entire wheat kernel. It is light brown in color and contains all the natural nutrients. It is lower in gluten and is usually used with bread flour. Vital gluten may be added to give the whole wheat flour a lift, especially in 100% Whole Wheat bread recipes. Requires no sifting.

Rye Flour Rye Aour is a heavy flour milled from rye grain. It is low in gluten and needs to be combined with bread flour to get an acceptable loaf. Many rye bread recipes include vinegar or lemon juice to assist the structuring of the dough. Rye flour usually produces a stickier dough. Requires no sifting.

Yeast When combined with sugar and water, at the right temperature, the yeast generates carbon dioxide which makes the dough rise. The recipes in this book have been developed using active dry yeast. If you prefer to use a fast-rising yeast, such as "Quick Rise" or "Rapid Rise," merely decrease the amount used. As a general guide, we recommend using Yz teaspoon of fast-rising yeast per cup of flour. Example: 2 cups bread flour would require 1 teaspoon fast-rising yeast.

Sugar Sugar boosts yeast action, adds sweetness and aroma, makes the crust brown and the bread soft. Brown sugar, honey, molasses or syrups produced from maple, corn or cane are also suitable sweeteners that add vitamin B and minerals.

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Milk Milk enhances flavor and increases the nutritional value of the bread but it is not a nec­essary ingredient. Other liquids can be substituted (see "Water or Other Liquids"). For best results, always bring milk, or other liquid to room tempera­ture.

Salt Salt controls the action of the yeast, enhances flavor and aids in producing a firm dough. If you are on a restricted diet, feel free to cut the amount of salt in the recipe in half or use a low­sodium salt which contains both potassium chloride and sodium. You can also eliminate the salt, but this will affect the size, texture and taste of the bread.

Fats Any form of shortening will enrich flavor and help bread stay fresh longer.

Butter Butter adds flavor. The same amount of vegetable shortening or oil can be substituted. Salted or unsalted butter may be used.

Eggs Large eggs were used in devel­oping the recipes in this booklet. If you wish to add an egg to a recipe that does not call for it, crack egg into liquid measuring cup; then fill with liquid to level specified in the recipe. Y<l cup (2 ounces) of an egg substitute can replace 1 large egg.

Oil Vegetable, canota, corn, peanut, soy or sunflower oil can be used. Unsaturated saf-

flower oil is a good substitute in special health breads. Olive oil produces a softer crust than butter or margarine and is often used in pizza dough to tenderize and flavor the dough. Peanut oil keeps bread fresher longer.

Margarine This is an acceptable substitute for butter. Soft spread tub mar­garines are not recommended.

Vegetable Shortening This solid, white shortening gives a slightly crispier texture than butter or oil. but works effectively.

Water or Other Liquids When the flour is mixed with water or other liquids, gluten is formed and air is trapped, thus allowing the bread to rise. Water, milk, beer, fruit juices or purees can be used as the liquid in bread.

Hints for Baking Delicious Homemade Breads

1. Use only fresh ingredients.

2. Yeast is the most important ingredient in bread baking. It causes the bread to rise. Too little yeast can result in improper rising. Too much yeast can cause over-rising and the dough could stick to the inside of the lid; or it could collapse during baking. In the bread maker, yeast does not need "proofing" or preliminary fermentation. After each use. always close yeast container tightly and store in a cool, dry place.

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3. Measure ingredients exactly.

4. Timer: When using the timer for delayed baking in warm weather conditions. you may need to reduce the yeast by Y4 to Yz teaspoon. and use only half the amount of sugar called for in the recipes. to prevent over-rising.

5. Always use a sharp ser­rated-edge knife to slice warm , crusty bread. An electric knife also works very well.

6. After cooling bread com­pletely. on a wire rack. store immediately in a tightly sealed plastic bag. plastic wrap or covered container. Do not store in the refriger­ator. as this will cause the bread to dry out faster .

7. For longer storage. tightly seal bread in a moisture­proof wrap or bag. and store in freezer.

Recipe Conversions

Most of your old family favorites as welJ as your new bread recipes can be prepared in the Breadmaker. Here are some recipe conversion tips:

1. If your recipe yields two con­ventional loaves, cut the recipe in half to make one loaf. The bread maker only makes one loaf at a time.

2. Do not exceed a total of 2% cups of bread flour. Heavier breads. containing whole wheat. cereals or oats , should not use more than a total of 3 cups. Use the recipes in this book as your guide when converting other recipes.

3. Always measure and add water or other liquids first followed by the salt. Then add ingredients such as liquid sweetener, shortening. eggs etc. Finally measure the dry ingredients into the bread pan in the order listed. Carefully place active dry yeast on top of dry ingredients, avoiding contact with the liquid and salt . If bread flour is not available in your area, use an all-pur­pose flour with a protein content of 1491o or higher.

4. To substitute dry milk for fresh , use approximately 2 tablespoons dry milk plus 1 cup water for every cup of milk.

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Substitutions & Helpful Hints

e Milk and water are interchangeable in these recipes. Milk gives bread a velvety texture and adds nutrients. Breads made with water have a heavier, crispier crust and more "open" texture.

e Buttermilk is a good substitution for water or milk. It results in a light, high rising and tender bread. To offset the slight acidity. for every cup of buttermilk, add about ~ teaspoon baking soda with the dry ingredients. Buttermilk also helps bread stay fresh longer.

e In place of granular (white) sugar, you can use brown sugar. honey, molasses or syrups. Hint: Before measuring honey or molasses, oil the measuring spoon or cup with cooking oil. The sticky syrup easily runs off the utensil.

e To make yeast breads last longer and be slightly higher. use water in which you've cooked potatoes and cooled to room temperature (70-80.F/21-27°C).

e When making bread in a cool room (under 65 ·F /18°C), use wanner water ( 100-11 ooF /38-43 ° C).

• Vegetable oil can replace butter or margarine. For a very soft crust, substitute olive oil in place of butter.

• To use fast-rising yeast, such as "Rapid Rise" or ··Quick Rise .. in place of active dry yeast, allow approximately ~ teaspoon for each cup of flour in recipe. Some experimentation may be necessary.

• There are several bread mixes available on the market which can also be used in your Breadmaker. Follow the package instructions to make a one pound loaf.

• If you elect to use "light salt," it must contain both potassium chloride and sodium. Plain potassium chloride will not work.

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High Altitute Adjustments

At altitudes above 3.000 feet flour tends to be drier and absorbs more liquid. Slightly more liquid or less flour may be required.

Dough rises faster at higher altitudes. Either sugar or yeast should be reduced slightly to prevent over-rising. See Table for guidelines.

Altitude Adjustment 3 000 ft. 5 000 ft. 7 000 ft.

Reducing Yeast. For each teaspoon, ~ tsp. ~-X tsp. X tsp. decrease by:

Reducing Sugar. For each tablespoon, 0-1 tsp. 0-2 tsp. 1-3 tsp. decrease by:

Increasing Liquid. 1-2 tbsp. 2-4 tbsp. 3-4 tbsp. For each cup, add:

NOTE: Since every recipe is different, some experimentation may be necessary to give you the desired result.


Cup Fluid Teaspoons = Milliliters = Ounces= Tablespoons=

1 = 8 = 16 = 48 = 240

~ = 7 = 14 = 42 = 210 (% + 2 Tbsp.)

% = 6 = 12 = 36 = 180

~ = 5~ = 10~ = 32 = 158

% = 5 = 10 = 30 = 150 (~ + 2 Tbsp.}

~ = 4 = 8 = 24 = 120

:.-3 = 2~ = 5Y.l = 16 = 79

j4 = 2 = 4 = 12 = 60

~ = 1 = 2 = 6 = 30

1 = 3 = 15

~ = 1 ~ = 7.5

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Adjusting Recipes

Weather conditions, storage of ingredients, the temperature of ingredients and exactness of measuring ingredients can alter the size. shape or texture of the bread. Once you recognize the cause , adjustments can be made to compensate for most variables.

About 5 minutes after you press Start, lift the lid and check the contents of the bread pan. The ingredients will be mixing and starting to form a ball. The dough ball should have an even consistency, if not, an adjustment may be nec­essary.

When making bread by hand, the old fashioned way, the amount of flour is the control for adjusting. For example, most conventional bread recipes read: 6 to 7 cups flour. That 1 cup difference is the allowance to adjust the dough to the correct consistency.

the flour adjustment can be made while the breadmaker is still mixing and kneading. Make the adjustment, 1 tablespoon at a time, during the first knead cycle while the machine is stilJ kneading. If adjusted ingredient didn 't completely mix into the dough, press Stop. To restart , Press Select button to reach desired setting, then press Start. If the baked loaf falls while baking, too much liquid was used. Next time , reduce liquid by one or two table­spoons. If the bread is small, heavy or has a dense , moist texture , the dough was too dry. Next time, increase liquid.

Not all recipes will produce the same size loaf. When using whole grain flours. wheats and grains. the loaf will be shorter.

Dry Dough If your breadmaker begins to "knock" while kneading. the dough is too dry . This may occur during cold months . simply add warm water (95-1 05 ·F /35-41 ·c) 1 teaspoon at a time. until the dough looks soft and smooth.

A dough that is dry will remain in a dense ball irregu­larly shaped instead of a soft ball. When baked, dry doughs will have an uneven or irregular top, possibly cracked, and the finished loaf will be short.

At the end of the kneading , the dough should be soft enough to very slowly relax toward the comers of the bread pan. As the dough rises, it fills into the comers.

When using the preparing dough, it can be a little drier than when you bake bread in the machine. Because it will be removed and shaped by hand, the dough should be manage­able, not sticky.

Moist Dough If the dough contains too much liquid , it will look more like batter rather than dough. If too wet, the dough may rise okay. but then fall during the bake cycle. Or, it could over-rise and "mushroom" over the bread pan, or hit the lid.

If the dough looks too wet and sticky, add flour, 1 table­spoon at a time , until the

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dough forms a soft pliable ball. Flour also absorbs moisture

from the air. so you may need to adjust the liquid to compen­sate for humidity and altitude.

Helpful Hints

• Cheese melts into liquid during baking. Allow for that by reducing liquid when adding cheese to a recipe. Do not pack grated cheese into the measuring cup. Lightly spoon into cup.

• Add spices and herbs after flour, away from liquid to avoid altering the liquid/flour action.

• Vital Gluten is the dried pro­tein taken from the flour by getting rid of the starch. It usually contains 7 5% protein and is a good dough enhancer or conditioner


especially for whole grain breads, or when using all­purpose flour in place of bread flour. As a guide. when you add the flour. add 1 teaspoon gluten per cup of all-purpose flour and 1 Yz tea­spoons per cup of whole grain flours in the recipe. Gluten flour is half vital gluten. It is expensive and doesn't seem to enhance the bread as well as vital gluten. Vital gluten and gluten flour are usually available in health food stores and through the mail (see Sources below).

• Vinegar or lemon juice are also acceptable dough enhancers. Generally, 1 tea­spoon is added to rye bread to enable the rye flour to work with the bread flour for better structure.

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1. Open the lid and remove the bread pan. To .'- ..J~~ -­remove the bread pan, grasp both sides of the handle and tum counterclockwise (in the directiqn of arrow marked "Remove").

2. Remove any crumbs that may be on the drive shaft. Position the kneading blade on the drive shaft as shown. If the blade is not securely positioned, the ingredi­ents will not be mixed or kneaded properly.

3. All ingredients should be at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27C0). Always measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed in the recipe. A. Always measure and add the water or other liquids, first.

except where otherwise directed. B. Then , add salt, flour and other dry ingredients , except

yeast. C . Add yeast last to keep it dormant. It is very important to

keep the yeast dry and away from the salt. Do not mix. See illustrations below .

• • Make a small "well" in the mound of flour and pour the dry yeast into it. Do not let the yeast touch the water or salt as the dough may ·not rise properly.

NOTE: When the room temperature is under 65°F/l8°C, use lukewarm water (about 100-11 ooF /38-43°C) to assist the yeast fermentation .

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4. Wipe water or other spills from the outside of the bread pan. Place the bread pan into the oven chamber with the pan turned a little counterclockwise. To lock pan in position, turn the pan clockwise (in the direction marked ''Lock" on the pan). Make sure the pan has been set securely in the oven chamber to ensure proper mixing and kneading.

5. Close the lid.

6. Plug into outlet. The Knead/Rise, Bake and Complete lights will flash.

7. Press the Stop button to clear the control paneL

8. Press Start. The Knead/Rise light will flash and the bread­maker will begin kneading. When baking is finished, the buzzer will sound three times and the Complete light will flash. Caution: Steam may rise from the vent on the back of the lid during operation and will escape when the lid is opened. Use a potholder or oven mitts to open lid to avoid steam bums.

9. When the buzzer stops, press the Stop button and carefully open the lid of the bread maker. To remove the bread pan (with potholders or oven mitts), lift the handle and grasp with both hands. Tum.-'-bread pan counter clockwise to "unlock" and lift pan out of bread maker. Place bread pan on heat-proof surface. The heater will maintain a temperature of 200·F !93·c for about 1 hour after the baking cycle is complete. When removing bread, always press the Stop button to turn off the heater.

10. Remove bread from the bread pan as soon as possible after baking. If left in the pan the crust will become soggy and the flavor will be reduced. Place bread on a wire rack to cool before slicing.

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Using potholders or oven mitts, hold the bread pan upside down and gently shake it to remove the bread. The surface of the bread pan is slippery so be sure you have a firm grip.

If the bread cannot be easily removed. using an oven mitt or potholder, tum the drive shaft on the bottom of the bread pan in both directions to loosen the bread. Caution: The drive shaft will be hot. If the kneading blade comes out with the bread, use a plastic or wooden utensil to remove it from the bread to avoid scratching the nonstick surface.

Drive Shaft

CAliTION: The kneading blade will be hot! Do not attempt to remove it with bare hands.

11. Remove Plug from outlet. When removing the plug, always grasp the plug itself and do not pull on the cord.

Slicing • Allow the bread to cool at least 15 minutes before slicing.

Bread which has cooled slightly will taste better, and can be sliced easier.

• Use a bread knife or an electric knife.


• After cooking bread completely, store immediately in a tightly sealed plastic bag, plastic wrap or covered container.

• For longer storage, seal baked bread tightly in moisture proof wrap or bag and store in the freezer.

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Recipe Index

Classic White ................................. 23

Carrot ...................................... 24

Oat Bran .................................... 24

Wheat ...................................... 25

Oatmeal .................................... 25

Onion Dill ................................... 26

Dried Tomato ................................. 26

Rye ............................. : ......... 27

Raisin ...................................... 27

Sourdough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

7 Grain ..................................... 29

Honey French ................................. 29

French ..................................... 30

Tomato Herb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Old Fashioned White ............................ 31

Cottage Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Deluxe White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Egg ....................................... 32

100% Whole Wheat ............................. 33

Cracked Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Croutons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Bread Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Honey & Wheat Rolls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Petite Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Bran BW1s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Bread Pretzels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

English Muffins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Butter Rolls .................................. 45

Addie's Coffee Cake ............................. 46

Ruben Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7

Cinnamon Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Pizza Crust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Whole Wheat Pizza Crust ......................... 49

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Bread Recipes

Important Weather conditions such as temperature, altitude or accuracy in measuring can affect the outcome of a loaf. In order to allow you to compensate we have created each recipe with a liquid range. We recommend you start with the smaller amount of liquid. Allow unit to mix for a few minutes before checking the dough consistency. If the dough is dense, irregularly shaped or the unit is. making a knocking noise, add 1 teaspoon of water at a time until the dough is soft and pliable.

Classic White

All ingredief!ts at room temperature (70-BOOF /21-27°C)

7 - 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2% cups Bread Rour 1 tablespoon Sugar 1 tablespoon Dry Milk 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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All ingredients at room temperature (7 0-80 ·F /21-2 7 "C)

6- 7 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil Y3 cup Grated Carrots 2Yz cups Bread Rour 1,4 cup Brown Sugar. Packed o/4 teaspoon Cinnamon 1 Yz teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Oat Bran

AU ingredients at room temperature (70-sO·F /21-27°C)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 1 tablespoon Honey Y4 cup Oat Bran 2Y3 cups Bread Aour 1 tablespoon Dry Milk 13J4 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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All ingredients at room temperature (70-BO~F /21-27.C)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2 cups Bread Rour % cup Whole Wheat Rour 1 tablespoon Sugar 1 tablespoon Dry Milk 1 Y2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete Hght flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


AU ingredients at room temperature (70-80~F/21-27"C)

7 - 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 Y2 tablespoons Honey 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 'lj cup Quick Cook Oats 2 1/3 cups Bread Rour 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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Onion Dill

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27.C)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 274 cups Bread Aour 1 Y2 tablespoons Sugar 1 tablespoon Minced Dried Onion 1 teaspoon Dill Weed 1 Y4 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Dried Tom.ato

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80"F/21-27"C)

6- 7 ounces 1 teaspoon 2 tablespoons

Water Salt Dried; Unsalted Tomatoes~ Crushed

1 tablespoon Olive Oil 2 Yz cups Bread A our 3 tablespoons Dry Milk 2 teaspoons Sugar 1 'lS. teaspoons Italian Seasoning 13J4 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F /21-27"C)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 Yz tablespoons Molasses 1 Yz tablespoons Brown Sugar, Packed 1 teaspoon Vinegar 2 cups Bread Rour % cup Rye Rour 1 teaspoon Caraway Seed (optional) 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to dear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27"C)

8- 9 ounces Water !teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2% cups Bread Rour 1 Yz tablespoons Sugar 1 tablespoon Dry Milk % teaspoon Cinnamon 1 o/4 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast % cup Raisins

Press Stop to clear control panel. As soon as you press Start, set a separate timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off slowly add the raisins. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27"C)

6 ounces Sourdough Starter 3 - 4 ounces Warm Water 11/4 teaspoons Salt 2Y2 cups Bread Rour 2 tablespoons Sugar 1 Yz teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Sourdough Starter 16 ounces (2 cups) warm water 2 Y4 teaspoons active dry yeast 2 cups All-Purpose or Bread Rour

In a 2 quart glass bowl, mix yeast and warm water; let stand 10 minutes. Add flour, mixing until thick batter forms. Batter need not be smooth. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let stand in warm place for 24 h<;>urs. Stir mixture. Reseal with plastic. Place mixture in a warm place for 2 - 3 days or until it bubbles and smells sour. Refrigerate.

After using a portion of starter, replenish with equal amounts of flour and warm water. Let sit 4 - 5 hours until bubbly. Store batter sealed in glass container in refrigerator.

Hints for successful sourdough baking

1. Always make starter in a glass container. Never store in metal or use metal utensils. The starter will react to the metal.

2. All ingredients, including starter should be room temperature. Cold ingredients slow down the starter's action.

3. When removing starter, always replenish it. Let stand at room temperature for 3 - 4 hours, until mixture bubbles. Seal and refrigerate.

4. If starter separates, stir until blended before using. 28

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7 Grain

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80·F /21-27"C)

8 - 9 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 1 tablespoon Honey ~ cup 7 Grain Cereal* 1% cups Bread Rour % cup Whole Wheat Rour 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

"' 7 grain cereal is available and in most health food stores.

Honey French

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80"F/21-27.C)

7 - 8 ounces Water % teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Honey 1 ~ teaspoons Olive Oil 2Yz cups Bread Rour 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27°C)

8 - 9 ounces Water 1 'l4 teaspoons Salt 2% cups Bread Aour 2 teaspoons Sugar l 3;.t teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Tomato Herb

All ingredients at room temperature (70-BO.F /21-27°C)

7 - 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil 2~ cups Bread Aour ~ cup Grated Parmesan Cheese 2 tablespoons Crumbled Dried Tomatoes 1 tablespoon Dried Parsley 2 teaspoons Sugar 1 teaspoon Italian Herb Seasoning 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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Old Fashioned White

All ingredients at room temperature (7 0-80 OF /21-2 7 ·C)

6 - 7 ounces Milk 1 I4 teaspoons Salt 1 Egg 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2% cups Bread Rour 2 tablespoons Sugar 1 ~ teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals af)d the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Cottage Cheese

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F /21-27.C)

3 - 4 ounces Water 1 Xi teaspoons Salt Yz cup Cottage Cheese 1 Egg 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2Yz cups Bread Rour 1 ~ tablespoons Dried Chives 1 Yz tablespoons Sugar 1 Y2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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Deluxe White

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27°C)

6- 7 ounces Water 1 Y4 teaspoons Salt 1 Egg 3 tablespoons Butter or Margarine 2% cups Bread Aour 3 tablespoons Sugar 3 tablespoons Dry Milk 2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start: When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


All ingredients at room temperature (70-80"F/21-27"C)

6 - 7 ounces Milk 1 teaspoon Salt 1 Egg 1% tablespoons Butter or Margarine 2~ cups Bread Rour 212 tablespoons Sugar 1 tablespoon Dry Milk 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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1 000/o Whole Wheat

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27·c)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Vegetable OiJ Yz tablespoon Honey ~tablespoon Molasses 2% cups Whole Wheat Flour 1 tablespoon Vital Gluten 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. Set a separate timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, press Stop. Press Start to restart breadmaker and allow it to complete entire cycle. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.

Cracked Wheat

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27.C)

8 - 9 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt 1 tablespoon Honey 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine ~ cup Cracked Wheat l'l4 cups Bread Flour 1 14 cups Whole Wheat Rour 1% teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. Set a separate timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off, press Stop. Press Start to restart bread maker and allow it to complete entire cycle. When unit signals and the Complete light flashes, press Stop and remove the bread.


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Ideas for Leftovers Bread Crumbs, fresh - Use food processor

(Great in meatloaf and stuffing for fish, poultry. meat) Bread Crumbs, dried - 12-inch slices

(Season as desired and use to coat chicken or fish: buttered for vegetable topping)

Melba Toast- thin slices, quartered. crust removed (Nice change of pace for cheese spread. devilled ham, salmon spread, and liver pate)

Zwieback - ~ to l-inch slices well-dried (Toddlers love them; grind for a nice alternative to graham crackers for cheesecake crust.)

Croutons Use leftover white, whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel, herbed or cheese breads. Trim crusts from b~ead. Slice bread about ~inch thick. Lightly spread both sides of each slice with softened butter or margarine . Cut into ~inch cubes. Arrange cubes in single layer on large baking sheet with a rim, such as a jelly roll pan. Sprinkle lightly with garlic and onion powder. Preheat oven to 350°F /177°C. Bake 15 minutes ; turn croutons with a large spatula. Bake another 10-15 minutes, until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack. Store in covered container in refrigerator. Variations:

Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before baking. Sprinkle with Italian Herb mixture before baking. Omit onion and garlic powder, sprinkle with dill weed. Rather than spreading butter or margarine on bread, cut into cubes and drizzle with a mixture of olive oil and minced garlic; toss to coat. Bake as instructed above.


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Bread Pudding

Use leftover White, Whole Wheat, Oatmeal. Egg, or Raisin Bread, or a combination of any of these breads.

5 cups Bread Cubes 3 Eggs. beaten 32 ounces (4 cups) Milk ~ cup Raisins ~cup Sugar

Butter Sauce Preheat oven to 325"F/163°C. Layer bread cubes and raisins in well-buttered 9-inch square baking pan. Mix together eggs. sugar and milk. Slowly pour over bread. Bake 30-40 minutes. until top is golden bro\.Vfl and center is set. Cool in pan on wire rack 10-15 minutes before serving. Spoon into dessert dishes and top with butter sauce.

Butter Sauce 4 tablespoons(% cup) 4 ounces Of cup) 1 cup 1 tablespoon

Butter Heavy Cream Sugar Vanilla

In I -quart sauce pan, over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in sugar and cream. Cook and stir until boiling. Boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Let stand 15-20 minutes; stir before spooning onto warm pudding. Refrigerate leftovers in covered container; reheat before using.


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Preparing Dough

1. Open the lid and remove the bread pan. To remove bread pan grasp both sides of the handle and turn counterclockwise (in the."-direction of the arrow marked ...J~~~

"Remove·· on the pan).

2. Remove any crumbs that may be on the drive shaft . Position the kneading blade on the drive shaft as shown. Important: If the blade is not positioned securely, the ingredients will not be mixed or kneaded properly.

3. Measure room-temperature ingredients into bread pan. Add the ingredients in the order listed in the recipe, with the yeast last, as shown below.

Uquids Qry ingredients (except yeast)



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4. Wipe water or other remains from the outside of the bread pan. Place the bread pan in the bread­maker. To lock into position. tum pan counterclockwise. and then turn the pan clockwise (in the direction of the arrow marked "Lock" on the pan), to lock. Important: Make sure the pan has been set securely in the bread-maker to ensure proper mixing and kneading.

5. Close the lid.

7. Press the Stop button to clear control panel.

: lMidlfttle ..... . ~ ....

8. Press Start. The Knead/Rise light will flash and the unit will begin mixing. When the unit signals three times, 45 minutes after pressing Start, the dough is ready.



To remove the bread pan, tum it counterclockwise to release pan , and lift out of breadmaker.

Set a separate timer, such as the one on your range, for a safe­guard. Should you miss the dough signal, the breadmaker will continue through the bake cycle.


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10. Ughtly sprinkle flour onto a pastry mat or board. Using a rubber spatula or wooden spoon, remove dough from bread pan and place on lightly floured surface. Knead by hand 2 or 3 times to release the air. If dough is easy to handle without flour , shape on a lightly oiled. clean countertop.

11. Shape dough into your favorite rolls. coffee cake. etc .. (sug­gestions follow). Cover dough with a clean kitchen towel and let rise until almost doubled in size. about 1 hour.

12. Bake in preheated (350°F/177°C) oven 30-35 minutes. until golden brown. Remove from pans, then cool on a wire rack or serve warm.

Variations for Shaping Dough Easy Dinner Rolls

Divide dough into 12 equal pieces, shape into balls and place in greased muffin cups . Cover, let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.

Cloverleaves Ughtly grease 12 muffin cups. Div­ide dough into 36 l-inch pieces. Pull edges under,

smoothing tops to shape into balls. Place 3 balls in each muffin cup, smooth-side-up. Cover, let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.

Swirls Lightly grease baking sheet. Divide dough

....,.._,_., into 12 equal pieces. On a lightly floured surface , using

· your hand, roll · each piece into a

pencil-like strand about 9 inches long. Beginning at center. make a loose swirl with each strand. Place rolls 2-3 inches apart on prepared baking sheet. Cover, let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.


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Simple Pan Rolls Lightly grease 8 x 1 1/z inch , or 9 x 1 1/z inch , round baking pan.

Divide dough into 12 pieces. Shape each piece into a balL pulling edges under to make a smooth top. Arrange rolls smooth-side-up in prepared pan. Cover, let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.


Lightly grease baking sheet and set aside. On lightly floured surface, roll dough into a 12 -inch circle. Brush dough with melted butter. Cut into 12 wedges . To shape rolls , begin at wide end of wedge and roll toward point. Place rolls point side down, 2-3 inches apart, on prepared baking sheet. Cover, let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.

Bow Knots Lightly grease baking sheet. Divide dough into ... .,::J 12 equal pieces.

~ On lightly floured surface. using your hand. roll each piece into a

pencil-like strand about 9 inches long. Form a loose knot. Place rolls 2-3 inches apart on prepared baking sheet. Cover, let rise and bake as directed. Makes 12.

Shortcut Cloverleaves Ughtly grease 12

,.._,_. muffin cups . ~illi!lll Divide dough

into 12 pieces. Shape each piece into a ball. pulling edges under to make a smooth top.

Place one ball in each greased muffin cup, smooth-side-up. Using scissors dipped in flour , snip top in half, then snip again crosswise , making 4 points . Cover , let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 12.


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Crust Treatments (use only with Dough Setting)

After the rolls rise, just before baking, gently apply desired glaze with a pastry brush. Bake as directed in recipe.

• For a shiny golden crust, use Egg Glaze or Egg Yolk Glaze.

• For a shiny che\AI)l crust use Egg White Glaze (crust will be lighter colored).

Egg Glaze Mix 1 slightly beaten egg with 1 tablespoon water or milk.

Egg Yolk Glaze Mix 1 slightly beaten egg yolk with 1 tablespoon water or milk.

Egg White Glaze Mix 1 slightly beaten egg white with 1 tablespoon water.

NOTE: To keep unused egg yolk fresh for several days, cover with cold water and store in refrigerator in a covered container.

Powdered Sugar Glaze (for Coffee Cakes and Sweet Rolls)

1 cup sifted powdered sugar 1 teaspoon softened butter

or margarine

1 or 2 tablespoons water or milk Yz teaspoon vanilla

In small bowl, blend ingredients until smooth. Spread or drizzle on slightly warm coffee cake, cinnamon rolls, etc.

Hint: To reheat yeast rolls, place in a clean brown paper bag, fold to close opening. Sprinkle outside of bag with water. Place the bag of rolls in a 325°F/163°C oven for about 10 minutes, or until heated through. Or, place rolls on a large sheet of foil. Sprinkle with a few drops of water. Wrap securely and heat in 325"F/163°C oven, 10-12 minutes.


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Rising To reduce rising time of dough prepared in your breadmaker

• Preheat conventional oven to 200°F /93°C for 5 minutes , then turn off oven . Shape dough , place on baking utensil as directed and cover with a clean kitchen towel . Place dough in oven until doubled in size. This will reduce rising time by about one-half.

• If televjsion is in use, stand pan of dough on top of TV to rise . It is a good source of heat and, if you are watching a program. you will not forget about the dough.

• Recipes using whole grain or unrefined flours may not rise as much as those using white bread flour (these contain less gluten). These heavier breads may fall slightly in the center. This is normal and will not affect the flavor. Wheat gluten can be added to improve the shape and volume of bread made with low gluten flours

Freezing For best results. store unbaked yeast dough in your freezer for no more than two weeks.

To freeze unbaked bread dough

• Shape and wrap in plastic wrap or foil. When you shape the loaf, be sure it fits easily into the baking pan as it will spread a little before freezing . Place wrapped loaf on a flat surface in your freezer so it will keep its shape until frozen .

• To bake: Remove dough from freezer , unwrap, and place in greased loaf pan (size specified in recipe) . Cover, let thaw, and rise , in a warm place until almost doubled in size, about 6 hours for a standard size loaf. Or, thaw dough in refrigerator overnight, then unwrap, place dough in pan, and let rise in a warm place for approximately 2 hours.


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To freeze unbaked rolls

• Shape rolls and place on greased baking sheets. or in muffin pans as indicated in recipe. Cover rolls with plastic wrap or foil and place in freezer . Rolls shaped in muffin pans are best frozen and stored in the pans. Rolls shaped on baking sheets should be removed as soon as they are completely frozen and placed in freezer bags or wrapped securely. Label each package with date and quantity.

• To bake: Remove rolls from freezer about 2 hours before baking. If not already in a pan, place 1 inch apart on greased baking pan. Cover pan loosely with a clean cloth and set in a warm place to thaw and rise until almost doubled in size (approximately 1 ~ to 2 hours). Bake as directed in recipe.

• You can also wrap and freeze unshaped dough right after the first rise and after you have punched it down. To use. thaw dough about 3 hours at room temperature, or overnight in the refrigerator; then shape, cover, let rise, and bake as directed in rectpe.

Keeping your bread fresh

• There are no presetvatives in your homemade bread, so store cooled loaf in a tightly sealed plastic bag. If desired~ enclose a stalk of celery in the bag to keep bread fresh longer. Do not store in the refrigerator as this causes bread to dry out faster.

• Water in which potatoes have been cooked is an excellent vari­ation for other liquid in the recipe. This will aid in keeping the bread fresh longer.


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Honey &: Wheat Rolls

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27"C)

7- 8 ounces Water 1 teaspoon Salt Y4 cup Honey 1 Egg 2 cups Bread Rour 1 cup Whole Wheat Rour 2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Shape as desired,

Makes 12 rolls.

Petite Bread

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80"F /21-27"C)

7- 8 ounces· 1 teaspoon 1 tablespoon 2Y4 cups 3 tablespoons 1 tablespoon 1 Yz teaspoons 1

Water SaJt Butter or Margarine Bread Rour Sugar Dry Milk Active Dry Yeast Egg, beaten

Measure all ingredients, except egg, into the bread pan in the sequence listed. Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Shape as desired

Divide dough into 6 pieces. Let rest 20 minutes. Shape into 6 {3 x 1 Yz inch) oblong loaves. Place on greased baking pan, spacing 17:2 inches apart. With sharp knife make 2 horizontal cuts across the top of each loaf. Cover, let rise until almost doubled. about 1 hour. Preheat oven to 3SO"F/177"C. Brush with beaten egg. Bake 10-15 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from pan; cool on wire rack.

Makes 6 mini loaves. 43

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Bran Buns

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80"F/21-27QC)

6 - 7 ounces Water o/4 teaspoon Salt lj3 cup Butter or Margarine 1 Egg 21/z cups Bread Rour YJ cup Wheat Bran 3 tablespoons Sugar 21/4 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start .. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Shape as desired

Makes 12 buns or 24 rolls.

Bread Pretzels

All ingredients at room temperature (70-BO"F /21-27"C)

6- 7 ounces Y4 teaspoon 2 cups Y2 teaspoon 1 Yz teaspoons 1 1-2 tablespoons

Water Salt Bread Rour Sugar Active Dry Yeast Egg, beaten Coarse Salt

Measure all ingredients into bread pan, except egg and coarse salt. Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit sig­nals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough.

Preheat oven to 450"F/232"C. Divide dough into 12 pieces. Roll each into 8-inch rope. Form into pretzel shape or leave in stick shape. Place on a greased cookie sheet, brush each with beaten egg. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes.

Makes 12 pretzels. 44

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English Muffins

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27°C)

7- 8 ounces 1 teaspoon 2 tablespoons 2Y4 cups Y+ cup %cup 1;4 cup

· 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons 1;4 cup

Water Salt Butter or Margarine Bread Rour Dry Milk Wheat Germ Quick Cook Oats Sugar Active Dry Yeast Cornmeal

Measure all ingredients into the bread pan, except c-ornmeal. Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals. 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough.

Sprinkle cornmeal over flat surface. Place dough on cornmeal and roll to % inch thickness. Cut into 2).f to 3-inch circles. Place dough, cornmeal-side-down, on ungreased baking sheets. Cover and let rise in a warm, draft-free place for 30 minutes. Preheat electric griddle or fry pan to 250°F/121 °C. Cook, cornmeal-side­down for about 8 minutes or until golden brown. Tum and cook another 8 minutes.

Makes 10-12, 3-inch muffins.

Butter Rolls

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27°C)

5 - 6 ounces Milk 1 teaspoon Salt Y4 cup Water Y4 cup Butter 1 Egg 2% cups Bread Rour 2 tablespoons Sugar 2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Shape as desired,

Makes 12 rolls. 45

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Addie's Coffee Cake

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80.F/21-27°C)

5 - 6 ounces Milk 1 teaspoon Salt 1 Egg Yolk 1 tablespoon Butter or Margarine 2Y.l cup Bread Rour %cup Sugar 2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Pat dough into greased 9-inch round, or 5 x 7 -inch oblong cake pan. Add topping.


2 tablespoons ~cup

1 teaspoon Y2 cup

Powdered Sugar Glaze

Butter, melted Sugar Ground Cinnamon Chopped Pecans

Drizzle butter over dough. In small bowl. mix sugar, cinnamon and nuts; sprinkle onto butter. Cover; let rise in warm place about 30 minutes. Bake in preheated oven (375"F/191 "C) 20-25 min­utes, until golden brown. Cool 10 minutes in pan on rack. Drizzle with powdered sugar glaze if desired.

12 servings. 46

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Reuben Bake

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27"C)

7 - 8 ounces Water % teaspoon Salt 2 tablespoons Oil 1 tablespoon Molasses 1 cup Rye Aour 1 cup Bread Rour 2 teaspoons Caraway Seed 2 teaspoons Dried Minced Onion 2 teaspoons Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Pat dough into greased 9-inch round cake pan. Add topping.


Y.t cup 1 V2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons 2~ to 3 ounces 1 can (8 ounces) 4 ounces {1 cup)

Mayonnaise Prepared Mustard Prepared Horseradish Corned Beef, chopped Sauerkraut, well drained Shredded Swiss Cheese

In small bowl, combine mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish; spread over dough. Cover with waxed paper and let rest 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°F/177·c. Layer corned beef and sauerkraut on dough. Top with cheese. Bake 30-35 minutes. Cut into wedges to serve.

4-6 servings. 47

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Cinnamon Rolls

All ingredients at room temperature (70-80°F/21-27.C)

1 recipe 2 tablespoons Y4 cup 2 teaspoons

Powdered Sugar Glaze

Petite Bread Butter or Margarine Sugar Ground Cinnamon

On a lightly floured surface, roll dough into rectangle ( 15 x 9-inches) spread soft butter on dough. Mix sugar and cinnamon~ sprinkle over butter. Roll up tightly, beginning at 15-inch side. Pinch edges to seal. Stretch roll to make even. Cut nine 1 Yz-inch slices. Arrange in greased 9 x 9 x 2-inch square pan, spacing evenly. Cover; let rise until double in size; about 40 minutes. Preheat oven to 375°F/191 °C. Bake 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Top warm rolls with glaze.

Makes 9 rolls.

Pizza Crust

All ingredients at room temperature (70-SOOF /21-27°C)

7- 8 ounces %teaspoon 2 tablespoons 2Yz cups 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons

Water Salt Olive Oil All-Purpose Rour Sugar Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals, 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough. Pat dough into 12 x 15-inch jelly roll pan or greased 12 -inch round pizza pan. Let stand for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 400°F/204°C. Spread pizza sauce over dough. Sprinkle toppings over sauce. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown.


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Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

All ingredients at room temperature (70-SO"F /21-27"C}

7- 8 ounces %teaspoon 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon 2Y4 cup 'l4 cup 2~ teaspoons

Water Salt Olive or Vegetable Oil Honey Whole Wheat Rour Wheat Germ Active Dry Yeast

Press Stop to clear control panel. Press Start. When unit signals. 45 minutes after pressing Start, press Stop and remove dough.

Pat dough into 12 x 15-inch jelly roll pan or greased 12-inch round pizza pan. Let stand for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 400"F/204"C. Spread pizza sauce over dough. Sprinkle toppings over sauce. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown.

Pizza Toppings

1 cup (8 oz.) 1 pkg. (3-4 oz.) ~pound

browned and drained 1 can (4 oz.) Y3 cup 1 cup 1 cup (4 oz.)


Prepared Pizza Sauce Sliced Pepperoni Bulk Pork Sausage

Mushroom Pieces Chopped Onions Chopped Green Peppers Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

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Applesauce Oatmeal Bread .............................................. 1Bran Bread ............................................................................. 1Country White Bread ....................................................... 2English Muffin Bread ....................................................... 2French Bread ........................................................................ 3Honey Oatmeal Bread ....................................................... 3Oatmeal Bread ...................................................................... 4Old-Fashioned White Bread .......................................... 4Yogurt Bread ........................................................................ 5

Whole Wheat100% Whole Wheat Bread ..................................................650% Whole Wheat Bread .....................................................6Buttermilk Wheat Bread.....................................................7Carrot Wheat Bread .............................................................7Cracked Wheat Bread ..........................................................8Granola Bread .........................................................................8Multi-Grain French ..............................................................9Multi-Grain Wheat Bread ..................................................9Shredded Wheat Bread ..................................................... 10Sunflower Oat Wheat Bread .......................................... 10Wheat Barley Bread ........................................................... 11Wheat Berry Bread ............................................................. 11Wheat Bran Bread ............................................................... 12Wheat ‘N Yogurt Bread .................................................... 12Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread ...................................... 13

HerbDill Bread ............................................................................. 14French Garlic Bread ........................................................ 14Garlic Bread ......................................................................... 15Herb Bread ............................................................................ 15Italian Herb Bread............................................................. 16


Potato Chive Bread ............................................................ 17Potato Bread ......................................................................... 17


Classic Rye Bread ................................................................ 18Pumpernickel Rye Bread .................................................. 18Tomato Basil Rye Bread .................................................... 19


Sourdough Bread................................................................ 20 Sourdough Wheat Bread ................................................. 20

Sweet Bread

Apricot Almond Bread ..................................................... 21Apricot Almond Bread (Version 2) .............................. 21Boston Brown Bread ......................................................... 22Carrot Raisin Bread .......................................................... 22Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin Bread .................................. 23Cranberry Pecan Bread .................................................... 23Oatmeal Maple Pecan Bread .......................................... 24Orange Wheat Bread ......................................................... 24Panettone ............................................................................... 25Raisin Bran Bread ............................................................... 25Raisin Bread .......................................................................... 26Spiced Fruit Bread .............................................................. 26Stollen Bread ....................................................................... 27


Cheese Bread ........................................................................ 28Chili Bean Bread ................................................................. 28Egg Bread ............................................................................... 29Peanut Butter Bread ......................................................... 29Swiss Jalapeño Beer Bread ............................................... 30Zucchini Bread .................................................................... 30


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Additional 1.0LB Recipes


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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1

| W h i t e |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz ( ½ c)Applesauce, unsweetened ½ cVegetable Oil 2 tbspSugar 2 tbspSalt 1 tspOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ cBread Flour 2 ¼ cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp

A p p l e s a u c e Oat m e a l B r e a d

A great tasting all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1tbsp)Honey 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBran Flakes Cereal 2/3 cBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

B r a n B r e a d

Add ready-to-eat bran flakes cereal to this recipe for a different texture and taste, plus added fiber and nutrition. Do not crush bran flakes into measuring cup when measuring.

Flakes will become crushed during the kneading period.

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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater 7 fl oz (¾ cup + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 2 cYellow Cornmeal 3 tbspDry Milk 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

E n g l i s h M u f f i n B r e a d

Here’s a bread that has the great taste of English muffins, but that you can make at home in your breadmaker.

This bread is great toasted!

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

This recipe uses water rather than milk which gives it a crispier crust. A classic white bread that everyone will love.

C o u n t ry Wh i t e B r e a d

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Honey 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ⅔ cDry Milk 1 tbspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

H o n e y Oat m e a l B r e a d

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats in this recipe, but do not use instant oatmeal. A very light textured bread with a crispy crust.

A good, all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tspBread Flour 2 ½ cSugar 1 tspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp

F r e n c h B r e a d

Crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside. Just the way it should be!

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 3

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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cOat, quick or old fashioned ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Oat m e a l B r e a d

A basic white bread with a touch of oats and hint of brown sugar. Made with milk, the crust is tender.

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafMilk 6 fl oz (¾ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1½ tsp

This recipe is made with milk for a tender crust and fine texture. Just like Grandma used to make, now you can too!

O l d Fa s h i o n e d Wh i t e B r e a d

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Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 3 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspPlain, Non-Fat Yogurt ⅓ cBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Yo g u rt B r e a d

The addition of plain yogurt adds a little tang to this bread, but very subtle. A good basic, general purpose bread.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 6

| W h o l e W h e a t |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Egg, large 1Molasses 2 tspHoney 2 tspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspWhole Wheat Flour 2 ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

A dense bread, packed with fiber since all whole wheat flour is used. Longer kneading cycle at wheat setting will provide great results. If bread collapses during the baking period, add 1 or 1 ½

tablespoons of vital wheat gluten to recipe for respective loaf size to prevent this from happening. Vital wheat gluten can be found in most health food stores.

1 0 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Honey 2 tspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbspDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

5 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

For those that like a lighter textured wheat bread, this is the recipe for you. Contains equal amounts of bread and whole wheat flour.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour ⅔ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspBaking Soda ⅛ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Bu t t e r m i l k Wh e at B r e a d

A moist, light textured wheat bread that’s sure to please. A great bread for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspShredded Carrot 1/3 cBread Flour ¾ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbspDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Ground Nuts, optional ¼ cRaisins, optional ¼ c

C a r r o t Wh e at B r e a d

Shredded carrot adds a little color and flavor to this wheat bread. Good for sandwiches or with hearty soups.

Nut or raisins may also be added for extra flavor.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 8

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz ( ½ c + 2 tbsp)Plain, non-fat Yogurt ⅓ cButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ cGranola Cereal ⅓ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

G r a n o l a B r e a d

Granola breakfast cereal, non-fat plain yogurt and a little whole wheat flour add fiber and great taste to this bread. Good toasted or for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 1 ¼ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅔ cCracked Wheat Cereal ⅓ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

C r a c k e d Wh e at B r e a d

The addition of cracked wheat to this recipe adds a little crunch and, of course, more fiber. A light, yet hearty and satisfying bread.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 9

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tspBread Flour 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ c7-Grain Cereal ¼ cSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n F r e n c h

Seven grain cereal adds fiber to this French bread. Seven grain cereal is available in most health food stores and contains such grains as wheat, oats, millet, triticale, soybeans, buckwheat and yellow corn.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Honey 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspWhole Wheat Flour ¼ cBread Flour ¾ c7-Grain Cereal ¼ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n Wh e at B r e a d

This whole wheat bread has a little crunch due to the addition of 7-grain cereal. A light textured, but fiber-filled bread, it’s good toasted or for sandwiches.

7-grain cereal can be found at most health food stores.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspShredded Wheat Cereal 1 ½ large biscuits, broken

up (1 c)Bread Flour 2 cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

S h r e d d e d Wh e at B r e a d

Add a couple of large shredded wheat cereal biscuits to this bread for added fiber and nutrition. The cereal blends right into the dough.

Well worth a try if you have some cereal on hand.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Honey 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour ⅔ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ¼ cSunflower Seeds, salted ¼ cSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp

S u n f l ow e r Oat Wh e at B r e a d

Sunflower seeds, oats and honey add a nutty flavor to this wheat bread which uses both whole wheat flour and bread flour.

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Water, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Honey 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 cRolled Barley Flakes 1/3 cDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Wh e at Ba r l e y B r e a d

Bread flour, whole wheat flour and barley flakes create a great sandwich bread.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 1

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Vegetable Oil 2 tspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspHoney 1 ½ tbspMolasses 2 tspWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ cBread Flour ⅔ cWheat Berries, soaked and drained ⅓ cWheat Germ 1 ½ tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Wh e at B e r ry B r e a d

Add soaked wheat berries to this recipe for added fiber and crunch. Wheat berries must be soaked to soften before using and can be found at health food stores.

Bakes into a picture perfect loaf.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Honey 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cUnprocessed Wheat Bran 1/3 cDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Wh e at B r a n B r e a d

This bread includes unprocessed wheat bran for higher nutritional value, plus it’s sweetened with honey.

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Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Honey 1 tbspButter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 1 ¼ cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ cDry Oat Bran Cereal ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast ½ tsp

Wh o l e Wh e at Oat B r a n B r e a d

A combination of bread flour, whole wheat flour and dry oat bran cereal sweetened with honey. Bakes into a nice loaf with a light texture.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 4

| H e r b |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 2 ¼ cChopped Green Onion Tops 1 ½ tspChopped Garlic Cloves 1 tspSugar 1 tspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

F r e n c h G a r l i c B r e a d

Chopped green onion and fresh garlic turn this French bread into a taste-tempting treat that smells wonderful while baking. Especially good with seafood, pasta dishes or salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspDill Weed 2 tspDry Milk 1 tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

D i l l B r e a d

A very light textured bread with a hint of dill. Serve with soups, salads or as a warm loaf with dinner.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafEvaporated Milk, 80° 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c)Vegetable Oil 2 tspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 ¼ tspCelery Seed ¾ tspRubbed Sage ¾ tspGround Ginger pinchMarjoram pinchBread Flour 2 cCornmeal ¼ cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

H e r b B r e a d

The combination of herbs used in this bread will make your tastebuds come to life.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 2 tspSugar 2 tspSalt 1 tspDried Parsley Flakes 2 tspGarlic Powder ½ - 1 tsp (to taste)Active Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

G a r l i c B r e a d

Delightful aroma. Serve warm with your favorite Italian pasta dish.

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H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 1 ¾ cDry Milk 2 tspSugar 2 tspSalt 1 tspGrated Parmesan Cheese 1 tbspItalian Seasoning 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ¼ tsp

I ta l i a n H e r b B r e a d

Grated Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning add a little zing to Italian Bread. Serve as a warm loaf with your favorite Italian dish, or slice it thick,

butter and toast or grill to brown.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspMashed Potatoes, leftover ⅓ cBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 tbspSugar 1 tbspFreeze-dried Chives 2 tspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Po tat o C h i v e B r e a d

A fun variation of Potato Bread adding more flavor to go with your favorite soups and more.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz ( ¾ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cInstant Potato Flakes ⅓ cDry Milk 1 tbpSugar 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Po tat o B r e a d

An old-time favorite, updated using instant potato flakes. Save liquid from cooling potatoes to replace water in this recipe for added flavor.

| P o t a t o |

P o t a t o B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 7

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R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 8

| R y e B r e a d |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Molasses 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ cMedium Rye Flour ⅓ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ cCocoa, unsweetened 1 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

P u m p e r n i c k e l R y e B r e a d

A little bit of cocoa gives this bread its characteristic dark color. A good bread for a hearty sandwich.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tspBread Flour 1 1/3 cMedium Rye Flour 2/3 cDry Milk 2 tspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt ½ tspCaraway Seed 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

A light, but hearty rye that can be prepared with or without caraway seed, depending on your pleasure.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

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R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 9

To m at o Ba s i l R y e B r e a d

A great bread to serve with soups and salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbspSun-Dried Tomatoes 4 halvesSugar 2 tbspSalt 1 tspBread Flour 1 ¾ cMedium Rye Flour ½ cDried Basil Leaves 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

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S o u r d o u g h B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ cMolasses 2 tsp

Bread Flour 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 cSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

S o u r d o u g h Wh e at B r e a d

Use the same starter as for the Sourdough bread. This is a heartier sourdough bread as it uses half bread flour and half whole wheat flour.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ cBread Flour 2 c

Sugar 2 tspSalt ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

S o u r d o u g h B r e a d

Make your own sourdough starter for this bread. Once made, it will last a long time providing you take proper care of it.

Share with friends.

| S o u r d o u g h |

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 1

| S w e e t B r e a d |


Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c)Gerber Baby Food, apricots with tapioca (1) 6 oz jarVegetable Oil 2 tbspAlmond Extract 1 tspSugar 2 tbspSalt 1 tspBread Flour 2 ½ cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp

Dried Apricots, quartered ½ cSlivered Almonds ½ c

A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d

Apricots and almonds turn this bread into a delightful breakfast bread. It’s even great for lunch with a salad.

Do not add more apricots than recommended as the consistency of the dough will be affected.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Mayonnaise 2 tbspGrated Carrots ⅓ cBread Flour 2 cSugar 2 tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Raisins ¼ c

C a r r o t R a i s i n B r e a d

A great-tasting variation of an old favorite. The carrots not only add more color but more flavor, too.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Egg, large 1Molasses 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ¼ cRye Flour ¼ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbspSalt ½ tspBaking Soda ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Slivered Almonds ¼ cRaisins ¼ c

B o s t o n B r ow n B r e a d

This recipe uses a combination of flours and is sweetened with molasses and brown sugar with a crunch of almonds.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafMilk 8 fl oz (1 c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbspSalt 1 tspGround Cinnamon 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Raisins ⅓ c

C i n n a m o n Oat m e a l R a i s i n B r e a d

A different twist to conventional raisin bread with the addition of oats. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp)Egg, large 1Fresh Orange Sections ¼ cVegetable Oil 1 tbspSugar 2 tbspSalt ¾ tspBread Flour 2 ¼ cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Fresh Whole Cranberries ½ cGrated Orange Peel 2 tspPecan Halves ¼ c

C r a n b e r ry P e c a n B r e a d

A great bread for Thanksgiving or other holidays when cranberries are available.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Maple Flavored Syrup 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Chopped Pecans ⅓ c

Oat m e a l M a p l e P e c a n B r e a d

A slight variation to typical oatmeal bread with the addition of pecans. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafOrange Juice 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp)Water, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour ⅔ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ cWheat Germ 3 tbspGrated Orange Peel 1 ½ tbspSugar 1 ½ tbspDry Milk 2 tspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

O r a n g e Wh e at B r e a d

This recipe has both orange juice and grated orange peel to add a citrus flavor. A light textured breakfast-type bread worth trying.

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c)

Egg, large 1Vanilla Extract ¼ tspButter or Margarine 2 tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 2 tbspSalt ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Raisins ¼ cMixed Fruit and Peel ¼ cSlivered Almonds 1 tbspGrated Lemon Peel 1 tbsp

Pa n e t t o n e

This recipe originated in Italy where it is still a favorite holiday fruit bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tspButter or Margarine 1 tbspRaisin Bran Cereal 1 cRaisins ⅓ cBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 ½ tbspSalt ¾ tspGround Cinnamon ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

R a i s i n B r a n B r e a d

What better bread to wake up to in the morning! Warm from the breadmaker or toasted, a great way to start the day.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cDry Milk 1 tbspSugar 1 tbspSalt 1 tspGround Cinnamon ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Raisins ½ cChopped Nuts ¼ c

R a i s i n B r e a d

An absolutely delightful way to start the day!

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 1 ½ fl oz (3 tbsp)Cottage Cheese, 80° F ⅓ cEgg, large 1Vegetable Oil 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 1 tbspSalt 1 tspGround Nutmeg ¼ tspGround Cloves pinchGround Mace pinchActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Raisins ¼ cCraisins (dried cranberries) ¼ c

A spicy twist to a holiday tradition.

S p i c e d F r u i t B r e a d

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S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 1 tbspSalt ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Red Candied Cherries 2 tbspGreen Candied Cherries 2 tbspRaisins ¼ cChopped Nuts ⅓ c

S t o l l e n B r e a d

This is the easy way to make stollen bread for the holidays or any time of the year. After baking, dust with powdered sugar or drizzle with a powdered sugar icing before slicing.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 ½ fl oz (½ c + 1 tbsp)Vegetable Oil 1 tbspFat-Free Refried Beans ¾ cSugar 2 tbspSalt ¾ tspBread Flour 2 cCorn Meal 1/3 cChili Powder 1 ½ tspDried Onion Flakes 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

C h i l i B e a n B r e a d

A bread recipe with a southwestern flair.

Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 8

| Va r i e t y |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c)Egg, large 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 2 tspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese, frozen ½ c

C h e e s e B r e a d

A hint of sharp cheddar cheese adds a delightful flavor to this bread. Make sure the shredded cheese is frozen when added at the alert for best results.

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Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 9

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c)Peanut Butter, creamy or chunky ⅓ cHoney 1 tbspBread Flour 2 cSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp

P e a n u t Bu t t e r B r e a d

This recipe is for all the peanut better lovers. Use creamy or chunky-style peanut butter.

All that's left is to spread on the jelly after it is baked.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafMilk 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Egg, large 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbspBread Flour 2 ¼ cSugar 1 ½ tspSalt 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

E g g B r e a d

Eggs add a special flavor to this bread. A very tender bread due to using both eggs and milk.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c)Egg, large 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbspShredded Zucchini, blotted dry ⅔ cBread Flour 2 cChopped Nuts ¼ cDry Milk 1 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tspGround Cinnamon 1 tspGround Cloves ¼ tspGround Nutmeg ⅛ tsp Active Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

Z u c c h i n i B r e a d

Make this bread when you have a little extra zucchini to use from your garden. Make sure to blot the shredded zucchini dry, as it contains a lot of water.

Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 3 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound LoafBeer, 80° F, foam removed 6 fl oz (¾ c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbspMedium Rye Flour ½ cBread Flour 1 ¾ c + 1 tbspSugar 1 tbspSalt ¾ tspGrated Swiss Cheese ⅓ cChopped Jalapeño Peppers, well drained 1 tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp

S w i s s J a l a p e ñ o B e e r B r e a d

If you like jalapeños, you’ll love this recipe!

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.