Mega Moemon FireRed Changelog (2024)

If you’re looking for Mega Moemon FireRed Changelog, we’ve got you covered!

Note:Search inside the Page by pressing ctrl+f or use the “Search” option on your browser to look for a specific version of the game.

Ver. 1.4b


  • Five Island glitching the game.
  • Celebi dialogue.
  • Dotted Hole’s last dungeon’s warps.
  • Tyrunt’s backsprite having leftlover pixels.
  • Tyrunt’s evolution method.
  • Petilil, Castform, Altaria, and Mismagius sprite positions.
  • New Moémon species without abilities.
  • New Moémon dex entries.
  • Raichu and Emboar cries.
  • Magnezone, Misdreavus, Lotad, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Qwilfish, Sneasel, Corsola, and Stantler icons.
  • Added an NPC in the Indigo Plateau to fix the saves affected by the Five Island glitch.

Pokémon Changes:

  • Archen & Archeops Ability:
    • Truant > Hustle.
  • Sigilyph:
    • Tailwind removed.
  • Noibat & Noivern:
    • Tailwind removed.

Ver. 1.4


  • Changed Start Screen logo and artwork.
  • Changed Intro Pikachu to Moémon Pichu.
  • Changed Poké Doll icon.
  • Fixed several broken cries.
  • Added custom graphics to the adventure introduction screen.
  • Hall of Fame fix.
  • New maps added.
  • Added the TM10 to the game.
  • Removed TM10 from the pickup table and changed to Max Revive instead.
  • Added NPC for Mystery Gifts.
  • Added Running Shoes since the start.
  • Oak aide gives Exp. Share instead of Running Shoes.
  • Extra Exp. Share obtainable in a new map and also sold at the Trainer Tower.
  • Oak aide in Fuchsia City gives Lucky Egg instead of Exp. Share.
  • All Moémon species in the dex have habitats.
  • Vitamin cap changed from 100 to 252 EVs.
  • Changed EV cap from 255 to 252.
  • Roamer Beast Trio changed to Mew regardless of the starter.
  • Mew Dex entry added to the Moémon Mansion for roamer tracking.

Added Moémon species:

  • Tyrunt
  • Tyrantrum
  • Darumaka
  • Darmanitan
  • Scatterbug
  • Spewpa
  • Vivillon
  • Swirlix
  • Slurpuff
  • Noibat
  • Noivern
  • Pawniard
  • Bisharp
  • Shelmet
  • Accelgor
  • Elgyem
  • Behyeem
  • Frillish-F
  • Jellicent-F
  • Karrablast
  • Escavalier
  • Ferroseed
  • Ferrothorn
  • Zorua
  • Zoroark
  • Tirtouga
  • Carracosta
  • Archen
  • Archeops
  • Sigilyph
  • Petilil
  • Liligant
  • Drilbur
  • Excadrill
  • Victini
  • Regice
  • Registeel
  • Regigigas
  • Croagunk
  • Toxicroak
  • Carnivine
  • Cherubi
  • Cherrim
  • Jirachi
  • Celebi
  • Vullaby
  • Mandibuzz
  • Heatmor
  • Pidove
  • Tranquill
  • Unfezant
  • Larvesta
  • Volcarona
  • Bronzor
  • Bronzong
  • Stunfisk
  • Carbink
  • Klefki
  • Clauncher
  • Clawitzer
  • Chespin
  • Quilladin
  • Chesnaught

Added Megas:

  • Beedrill
  • Kangaskhan
  • Scizor
  • Tyranitar
  • Aggron

Sprite updates and fixes:

  • Ivysaur
  • Mega Venusaur (New)
  • Charmander
  • Charmeleon
  • Charizard
  • Mega Charizard Y (New)
  • Mega Charizard X
  • Squirtle
  • Wartortle
  • Blastoise
  • Mega Blastoise (New)
  • Butterfree
  • Fearow
  • Raichu
  • Oddish (New)
  • Venonat (New)
  • Venomoth (New)
  • Poliwrath
  • Tentacool
  • Tentacruel (New)
  • Farfetch’d (New)
  • Muk (New)
  • Rhydon (New)
  • Tangela
  • Kangaskhan (New)
  • Horsea (New)
  • Seadra (New)
  • Seaking (New)
  • Scyther (New)
  • Magmar (New)
  • Pinsir (New)
  • Vaporeon (New)
  • Jolteon (New)
  • Porygon (New)
  • Aerodactyl (New)
  • Mega Aerodactyl (New)
  • Mewtwo (New)
  • Mew (New)
  • Crobat (New)
  • Togetic (New)
  • Azumarill
  • Yanma (New)
  • Quagsire (New)
  • Murkrow (New)
  • Misdreavus
  • Unown-L (New)
  • Unown-Q (New)
  • Unown-U (New)
  • Gligar (New)
  • Slugma (New)
  • Magcargo (New)
  • Remoraid (New)
  • Octillery (New)
  • Houndoom (New)
  • Kingdra (New)
  • Donphan (New)
  • Porygon-2 (New)
  • Tyranitar
  • Wurmple
  • Lotad (New)
  • Lombre
  • Ludicolo (New)
  • Ralts
  • Kirlia
  • Gardevoir
  • Mega Gardevoir
  • Surskit (New)
  • Masquerain (New)
  • Nincada (New)
  • Ninjask (New)
  • Shedinja (New)
  • Skitty
  • Aron (New)
  • Lairon (New)
  • Aggron (New)
  • Plusle (New)
  • Minun (New)
  • Trapinch (New)
  • Vibrava (New)
  • Flygon (New)
  • Cacnea (New)
  • Cacturne (New)
  • Swablu (New)
  • Altaria (New)
  • Feebas (New)
  • Milotic (New)
  • Castform (New)
  • Castform-Sunny (New)
  • Castform-Rainy (New)
  • Castform-Snowy (New)
  • Tropius (New)
  • Huntail (New)
  • Salamence (New)
  • Metagross
  • Regirock (New)
  • Deoxys-Attack (New)
  • Turwig (New)
  • Grotle (New)
  • Torterra
  • Starly
  • Staravia
  • Staraptor
  • Cranidos
  • Rampardos
  • Shieldon
  • Bastiodon
  • Buizel
  • Floatzel
  • Drifloon
  • Mismagius (New)
  • Honchkrow (New)
  • Stunky
  • Skuntank
  • Spiritomb
  • Gible (New)
  • Gabite (New)
  • Garchomp (New)
  • Mega Lucario
  • Drapion (New)
  • Snover (New)
  • Abomasnow (New)
  • Magnezone (New)
  • Tangrowth (New)
  • Electivire (New)
  • Magmortar (New)
  • Togekiss
  • Yanmega (New)
  • Gliscor (New)
  • Porygon-Z (New)
  • Dusknoir
  • Froslass
  • Rotom (New)
  • Phione (New)
  • Manaphy (New)
  • Snivy
  • Servine
  • Serperior
  • Blitzle (New)
  • Zebstrika (New)
  • Throh
  • Sawk
  • Maractus (New)
  • Solosis (New)
  • Duosion (New)
  • Reuniclus (New)
  • Deerling
  • Sawsbuck
  • Klink
  • Klang
  • Klinklang
  • Chandelure
  • Cryogonal
  • Druddigon
  • Golurk
  • Durant (New)
  • Keldeo (New)
  • Binacle (New)
  • Barbaracle (New)
  • Glaceon
  • Amaura (New)
  • Aurorus (New)
  • Scizor (New)
  • Sableye (New)
  • Mega Mawile
  • Lapras (New)

Pokémon Changes:

  • Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 31/33/33) > Dragon Breath (Lv. 31/33/33)
  • Milotic Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 25) > Dragon Breath (Lv. 25)
  • Garchomp Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 55) > Dual Chop (Lv. 55)
  • Druddigon Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 45) > Iron Head (Lv. 45)
  • Tyrunt and Tyrantrum Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 30) > Rock Slide (Lv. 30)
  • Tyrantrum Learnset:
    • Rock Slide (Lv. 68) > Dragon Dance (Lv. 68)
    • Poison Fang (Lv. 1)
    • Fire Fang (Lv. 1)
    • Thunder Fang (Lv. 1)
    • Ice Fang (Lv. 1)
  • Delibird Learnset:
    • Drill Peck (Lv. 25)
  • Slurpuff Learnset:
    • Belly Drum (Lv. 1)
  • Bisharp Learnset:
    • Sucker Punch (Lv. 1)
    • Revenge (Lv. 1)
  • Ferrothorn Learnset:
    • Seed Bomb (Lv. 1)
  • Liligant Learnset:
    • Giga Drain (Lv. 1)
    • Energy Ball (Lv. 1)
    • Sleep Powder (Lv. 1)
    • Stun Spore (Lv. 1)
  • Excadrill Learnset:
    • Iron Head (Lv. 1)
  • Toxicroak Learnset:
    • Drain Punch (Lv. 1)
  • Carnivine Learnset:
    • Seed Bomb (Lv. 47)
    • Power Whip (Lv. 50)
  • Cherrim Learnset:
    • Draining Kiss (Lv. 25)
    • Energy Ball (Lv. 30)
  • Unfezant Learnset:
    • Night Slash (Lv. 38)
  • Ninetales’ Ability 1:
    • Flash Fire > Drought.
  • Keldeo Learnset:
    • Air Slash (Lv. 1)
    • Helping Hand (Lv. 25) > Aura Sphere (Lv. 25)
  • Scolipede Learnset:
    • X-Scissor (Lv. 1)
    • Cross Poison (Lv. 1)
  • Beldum Learnset:
    • Tackle (Lv. 1)

Move Changes:

  • Uproar: 50 BP to 90 BP.
  • Fly: 70 BP to 90 BP.

Trainer Changes:

  • Lass Sally: Pidove added.
  • Bird Keeper Wilton: Tranquill and Unfezant added.
  • Biker Jaren: Croagunk added.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Machop changed to Croagunk.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Glameow changed to Noibat.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Noibat added.
  • Gym Leader Koga: Jumpluff and Masquerain changed.
  • Gym Leader Blaine: Mega Charizard Y and Victreebel changed.
  • Elite Four Lance: Mega Latias changed.
  • Rival: Mega Charizard X changed to Mega Charizard Y.
  • Biker Hideo: Pawniard added.
  • Team Rocket Admin: Bisharp added.
  • Camper Justin: Zorua added.
  • Swimmer Matthew: Poliwrath changed to Tirtouga.
  • Bird Keeper Donald: Archen added.
  • Youngster Dillon: Swirlix added.
  • Lass Janice: Pidove added.
  • Lass Robin: Swirlix added.
  • Beauty Sheila: Slurpuff added.
  • Hiker Brice: Tyrunt added.
  • Hiker Earl: Tyrantrum added.
  • Gamer Rich: Darumaka added.
  • Bug Catcher Anthony: Scatterbug added.
  • Bug Catcher Elijah: Vivillon added.
  • Bug Catcher Rick: Karrablast and Shellmet added.
  • Bug Catcher Garret: Escavalier and Accelgor added.
  • Gentleman Brooks: Escavalier added.
  • Bulglar Lewis: Accelgor added.
  • Psychic Cameron: Munna changed to Elgyem.
  • Scientist Braydon: Beheeyem added.
  • Fisherman Dale: Frillish added.
  • Swimmer Maria: Seadra changed to Jellicent.
  • Picnicket Tina: Ferroseed added.
  • Scientist Rodney: Ferrothorn added.
  • Channeler Stacy: Bronzong added.
  • Scientist Ed: Bronzor added.
  • Psychic Preston: Sigilyph added.
  • Bird Keeper Ramiro: Archeops added.
  • Aroma Lady Nikki: Cherrim added.
  • Lass Dawn: Petilil added.
  • Lass Crissy: Liligant added.
  • Hiker Clark: Drilbur added.
  • Scientist Joshua: Excadrill added.
  • Burglar Ramon: Heatmor added.
  • Scientist Jerry: Stunfisk added.
  • Hiker Allen: Carbink added.
  • Picnicker Nancy: Cherubi added.
  • Beauty Olivia: Carnivine added.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Vullaby added.
  • Fisherman Hank: Clauncher added.
  • Fisherman Claude: Clawitzer added.
  • Lass Iris: Klefki added.
  • Bug Catcher Vance: Larvesta added.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Volcarona added.
  • Picknicker Caitlin: Chespin added.
  • Black Belt Aaron: Chesnaught added.

Ver. 1.3c


  • Reduced the levels of Moémon appearing in Route 1 for balance purposes.
  • Added a warning sign at the entrance of Tanoby Ruins.
  • Added more Mega Stones in the Cerulean Mart.
  • Changed the wild distribution of some Pokémon.

Added Moémon species:

  • Starly
  • Staravia
  • Staraptor
  • Burmy
  • Wormadam
  • Mothim
  • Joltik
  • Galvantula
  • Scraggy
  • Scrafty
  • Basculin
  • Froakie
  • Frogadier
  • Greninja
  • Skrelp
  • Dragalge
  • Goomy
  • Sligoo
  • Goodra
  • Golett
  • Golurk
  • Cranidos
  • Rampardos
  • Shieldon
  • Bastiodon
  • Purrloin
  • Liepard
  • Virizion

Added Megas:

  • Lucario
  • Pidgeot
  • Gyarados
  • Glalie
  • Sharpedo
  • Ampharos
  • Manectric
  • Slowbro
  • Houndoom
  • Camerupt


  • Fixed Jynx’s gender ratio.
  • Fixed Gallade not having abilities in Ability 2.
  • Moémon having Magic Bounce had their abilities changed due to the same ability’s code being broken.
    • Natu and Xatu’s Ability 2 changed back to Early Bird.
    • Espeon changed back to having only Synchronize as ability.
  • Fixed the evolution methods of: Seadra (Dragon Scale), Clamperl (Deep Sea Tooth and Scale), Dusclops (Link Cable), Bonsly (Lv. 15).
  • Removed some grass near water in Route 21, Safari Zone, Five Isle Meadow and Berry Forest.
  • Shieldon, Samurott, Thundorus and Reshiram cries. (The latter two are not available in the game)
  • Fixed Brock, Oak and other NPC dialogues.
  • Link Cable’s name changed to Linking Cord (It’s name in official games).
  • Breeding and some evolutions have been fixed.

Sprite updates and fixes:

  • Weedle.
  • Kakuna.
  • Beedrill.
  • Raichu.
  • Oddish.
  • Gloom. (New)
  • Vileplume. (New)
  • Tentacruel.
  • Slowpoke.
  • Slowbro.
  • Grimer.
  • Muk. (New)
  • Cubone.
  • Marowak.
  • Chansey.
  • Goldeen. (New)
  • Starmie.
  • Scyther. (New)
  • Jynx. (New)
  • Electabuzz.
  • Magmar. (New)
  • Vaporeon. (New)
  • Jolteon. (New)
  • Flareon. (New)
  • Omanyte.
  • Omastar.
  • Dratini. (New)
  • Dragonair. (New)
  • Dragonite. (New)
  • Mew. (New)
  • Chikorita.
  • Bayleef. (New)
  • Meganium.
  • Totodile. (New)
  • Croconaw. (New)
  • Feraligar. (New)
  • Togepi. (New)
  • Togetic.
  • Bellossom.
  • Marill. (New)
  • Azumarill. (New)
  • Espeon. (New)
  • Slowking.
  • Misdreavus.
  • Unown-A.
  • Unown-B.
  • Unown-C.
  • Unown-D.
  • Snubbull.
  • Granbull.
  • Scizor.
  • Heracross. (New)
  • Sneasel. (New)
  • Corsola.
  • Delibird. (New)
  • Stantler.
  • Smeargle. (New)
  • Smoochum. (New)
  • Elekid. (New)
  • Magby. (New)
  • Blissey. (New)
  • Poochyena. (New)
  • Zigzagoon.
  • Linoone. (New)
  • Silcoon.
  • Beautifly.
  • Cascoon.
  • Dustox. (New)
  • Taillow. (New)
  • Swellow. (New)
  • Gardevoir.
  • Mega Gardevoir. (New)
  • Breloom. (New)
  • Nincada. (New)
  • Makuhita.
  • Hariyama. (New)
  • Azurill. (New)
  • Skitty.
  • Electrike. (New)
  • Manectric. (New)
  • Numel. (New)
  • Camerupt. (New)
  • Grumpig. (New)
  • Swablu. (New)
  • Lileep. (New)
  • Cradily. (New)
  • Anorith.
  • Armaldo. (New)
  • Duskull.
  • Dusclops.
  • Chimecho. (New)
  • Gorebyss.
  • Deoxys.
  • Torterra.
  • Piplup.
  • Prinplup.
  • Empoleon.
  • Shinx.
  • Budew. (New)
  • Buneary.
  • Lopunny.
  • Mega Lopunny.
  • Chingling. (New)
  • Mime Jr. (New)
  • Happiny. (New)
  • Spiritomb. (New)
  • Weavile. (New)
  • Togekiss. (New)
  • Porygon-Z.
  • Dusknoir.
  • Phione.
  • Manaphy.
  • Watchog.
  • Yamask. (New)
  • Cofragrigus. (New)
  • Solosis.
  • Duosion.
  • Reuniclus.
  • Emolga. (New)
  • Eelektross.
  • Axew.
  • Fraxure.
  • Haxorus.
  • Cryogonal. (New)
  • Deino. (New)
  • Zweilous. (New)
  • Hydreigon. (New)
  • Flabébé.
  • Floette.

Evolution Changes:

  • Sliggoo > Goodra (Lv. 50) [Due the lack of rainy areas]

Pokémon Changes:

  • Ninetales Learnset:
    • Extrasensory (Lv. 1)
    • Dark Pulse (Lv. 1)
  • Deino Learnset:
    • Dragon Tail (Lv. 20) > Dragonbreath (Lv. 20)
  • Azurill, Marill and Azumarill Ability 1.
    • Thick Fat > Sap Sipper.
  • Surskit and Masquerain Learnset:
    • Surf (HM)
  • Pichu Learnset:
    • Volt Tackle (Lv. 20)
  • Wigglytuff Learnset:
    • Nasty Plot (Lv. 1)
    • Draining Kiss (Lv. 1)
  • Golduck Learnset:
    • Nasty Plot (Lv. 1)
    • Power Gem (Lv. 1)
  • Dugtrio Learset:
    • Swords Dance (Tutor)
  • Ampharos Learnset:
    • Dazzling Gleam (Tutor)
  • Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Leafeon and Glaceon Learnsets:
    • Calm Mind (TM)
  • Breloom Learnset:
    • Charm > Close Combat (Lv. 1)
  • Grumpig Learnset:
    • Nasty Plot (Lv. 1)
    • Dazzling Gleam (Tutor)
  • Banette Learnset:
    • Swords Dance (Tutor)
  • Drifblim Learnset:
    • Air Slash (Lv. 1)
  • Eelektross Learnset:
    • Superpower > Close Combat (Lv. 1)
  • Avalugg Learnset:
    • Blizzard > Icicle Crash (Lv. 46) (Still can learn the TM)

Trainer Changes:

  • Bug Catcher Anthony: Pineco changed to Burmy.
  • Lass Janice: Nidoran (Male) changed to Starly.
  • Lass Janice (Rematch 2): Nidorino changed to Staraptor.
  • Bug Catcher Greg: Metapod changed to Joltik.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Rattata changed to Scraggy.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Glameow changed to Purrloin.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Glameow changed to Liepard.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Purugly changed to Liepard.
  • Team Rocket Grunt: Raticate changed to Scrafty.
  • Fisherman Hank: Got a Basculin.
  • Channeler Laurel: Gastly changed to Golett.
  • Channeler Angelica: Shuppet changed to Golett.
  • Camper Ricky: Got a Goomy.
  • Camper Ricky (Rematch 3): Got a Goodra.
  • Team Rocket Admin (Ariana): Got a Dragalge.
  • Team Rocket Admin (Archer): Got a Hydreigon.
  • Team Rocket Admin (Archer): Houndoom changed to Mega Houndoom.
  • Biker Alex: Grimer changed to Skrelp.
  • Fisherman Kenneth: Ludicolo changed to Froakie.
  • Bug Catcher James: Kakuna changed to Combee.
  • Lass Ann: Deerling changed to Pachirisu.
  • Lass Robin: Got a Pachirisu.
  • Camper Justin: Clefairy changed to Binacle.
  • Fisherman Nolan: Got a Binacle.
  • Fisherman Wade (Rematch): Gyarados changed to Mega Gyarados.
  • Swimmer Mymo: Got a Barbaracle.
  • Aroma Lady Miah: Bellosom changed to Florges.
  • Ruin Maniac Stanly: Graveler changed to Golurk.
  • Hiker Eric: Onix changed to Cranidos.
  • Hiker Lenny: Geodude changed to Shieldon.
  • Lorelei (Rematch): Abomasnow changed to Mega Glalie.
  • Bruno (Rematch): Steelix changed to Lucario.
  • Lance: Aerodactyl changed to Goodra.

Ver. 1.3a fixes


  • Added the game’s version in the save file selection screen.
  • Revamped the blue screen intro text.
  • Fixed Lance’s team order.
  • Fixed a trainer dialogue.
  • Protean description.

Sprite updates and fixes:

  • Torterra.
  • Linoone.
  • Starly.
  • Altaria (New)
  • Swablu (New)
  • Torkoal (New)
  • Umbreon (New)
  • Mega Pidgeot.
  • Mega Slowbro.
  • Scyther.
  • Magmar.
  • Mew.
  • Marill.
  • Mega Houndoom.
  • Taillow.
  • Swellow.
  • Camerupt.
  • Cradily.
  • Shuppet.
  • Banette.
  • Staravia.
  • Staraptor.
  • Shieldon.
  • Bastiodon.
  • Mothim.
  • Spiritomb.
  • Togekiss.
  • Dusknoir.
  • Liepard.
  • Cryogonal.

Fixed sprite positions:

  • Breloom.
  • Dragonite.
  • Nincada.
  • Shieldon.
  • Bastiodon.
  • Rampardos.

Trainer Changes:

  • Aroma Lady Violet: Servine changed to Bayleef, Serperior changed to Torterra.
  • Pokémon Ranger Jackson: Serperior changed to Breloom.

Pokémon Changes:

  • Thief (TM):
    • Phanpy & Donphan.
    • Tauros.
    • Chansey & Blissey.
    • Hoppip, Skiploom & Jumpluff.
    • Slakoth, Vigoroth & Slaking.
    • Makuhita & Hariyama.
    • Meditite & Medicham.
    • Gulpin & Swalot.
    • Cacnea & Cacturne.
    • Buizel & Floatzel.
    • Finneon & Lumineon.
    • Oshawott, Dewott & Samurott.
    • Skrelp & Dragalge.
  • Earthquake (TM):
    • Bonsly.
  • Bullet Seed (TM):
    • Deeling & Sawsbuck.
    • Skiddo & Gogoat.
  • Water Pulse (TM):
    • Sneasel & Weavile.
    • Basculin.

Trainer Changes:

  • Lorelei (Rematch): Cryogonal changed.

Ver. 1.3b fixes

Sprite updates and fixes:

  • Altaria.
  • Swablu.

Ver. 1.3c fixes

Fixes and updates:

  • Shed Skin description.
  • Luvdisc name in a dialogue.
  • Virizion’s name.
  • Palette of a Shiny Moémon egg.
  • Use of Oval Stone not having effect on Happiny.
  • Updated encounters in: Route 1, Route 4, Route 13, Route 18, Moémon Mansion BF1, Rock Tunnel, Clear Forest.
  • Changed the Tangela trade at Cinnabar Island.

Icon updates and fixes:

  • Audino.
  • Feraligatr.
  • Furfrou.
  • Ledyba.
  • Linoone.
  • Lunatone.
  • Nincada.
  • Pichu.
  • Raichu.
  • Sentret.
  • Shedinja.
  • Solrock.
  • Umbreon.
  • Wooper.

Sprite updates and fixes:

  • Sandshrew (New)
  • Magmar.
  • Flareon.
  • Igglybuff (New)
  • Forretress (New)
  • Larvitar (New)
  • Pupitar (New)
  • Tyranitar (New)
  • Mega Gardevoir
  • Wailmer (New)
  • Numel.
  • Torkoal (New)
  • Shieldon.
  • Burmy.
  • Wormadam.
  • Dusknoir.
  • Unown-A (New)
  • Unown-F (New)
  • Unown-G
  • Unown-J
  • Unown-V
  • Unown-Y (New)
  • Unown-Z

Fixed sprite positions:

  • Drowzee.
  • Flareon.
  • Qwilfish.
  • Druddigon.
  • Golett.
  • Mega Camerupt.
  • Patrat.
  • Totodile.
  • Xatu.
  • Umbreon.
  • Emolga.

Pokémon Changes:

  • Muchlax Item:
    • Item 1: None > Lum Berry.
  • Hoppip Learnset:
    • Tackle (Lv. 1)
  • Politoed’s Ability 2:
    • Damp > Drizzle.
  • Burmy, Wormadam & Mothim’s Learnsets:
    • Struggle Bug (Lv. 1)

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Mega Moemon FireRed Changelog (2024)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Views: 5946

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.