Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (2024)

This site is relocating for MH:Rise!

Please visit to see the current content on this site and future MH:Rise Charge Blade content! This website will no longer be updated but will remain active until December 2021. Thank you for 2+ years with!

Master Rank

High Rank

CB Guide

Savage vs SAED

Patch History


Charge Blades worth getting
Progression Builds
Impact Builds
Elemental Builds
Focusless Builds
Specific Anti-monster Builds
Meme Builds

Last Update

Improved Fatalis Impact Focusless builds (thanks PaintedJ)
Added Safi-Fatalis Hybrid Elemental builds (focus 3 and focusless)
Added Fatalis 4 Elemental builds (focus 3 and focusless)

Added more Savage axe focused Anti-Fatalis builds
Added elemental focusless Fatalis and Velkhana hybrid builds

Added Fatalis Impact Focusless build, added Power Prolonger variant to Fatalis Impact build

Updated Anti-Fatalis build, added Anti-Fatalis post-clear builds with 2 and 4 armor pieces

Added Fatalis Impact build and variants

Added Anti-Fatalis build
Fatalis armor builds will be coming soon

Older updates

Added Anti-Alatreon builds: Anti-Alatreon (Defensive) and Anti-Alatreon (Offensive)
Update 7/14:
defensive builds changed to Safi Chest Alpha by suggestion
Added Alatreon CB and armor build
Update 7/18:
Added Safi and Alatreon hybrid builds

Updated Anti-Safi build
Added Kjarr Crusher builds

Re-added old Chrome Fort progression builds for people unable to farm Raging Brachy after story

Added Kjarr Focusless builds
Added Kjarr Anti-Rajang build
Added ratings (SAED šŸ˜€Savage šŸ˜€Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜„) to meta builds
*Added Meme Builds section
*Added Anti-Namielle builds
*Added Kjarr Elemental builds with 0 Weakness Exploit as the default recommendation for Kjarr

Added Kjarr Guard 5 variant builds
Added Anti-Kulve and Anti-Raging Brachy builds

Added MR Kulve builds (Kjarr elemental only, impact meta is unaffected)
Reorganized page to group Impact, Elemental, Focusless, and Anti-monster builds
Reorganized Charge Blades worth getting section (removed images because it was annoying to keep capturing them)
More Kulve builds to come (Focusless, Guard 5)
More Anti-monster builds to come (Raging Brachy, Kulve Taroth)

Prepended Impact builds with ā€œLightbreakā€ or ā€œSafi Impactā€ to make it easier to find builds.
Updated several builds after receiving user feedback: Safi Impact Focusless SafiBrachy, Safi Impact Artillery Secret (G1, G1 Prot.Polish, G5)

Added builds using Lightbreak Charge Blade (Raging Brachydios) and Raging Brachydios armor, including progression builds
Removed Gold Rathian, Melting Grasp, Dante, and Guild Palace CBs from recommended list
Removed Health augment from builds that used Safi set and Resentment
Demonlord Blade (Furious Rajang) is still under inspection as a build option

Updated progression builds

PC builds!

Added Safiā€™Jiiva Impact Phial CB builds (new section)
Added Safiā€™Jiiva Elemental Phial CB builds (new section)

Added impact sets:
Guard 5 Artillery 5
Added elemental sets:
Cookie Cutter (True Critical Element)

Added elemental sets:
Cookie Cutter (2 Namielle)
Cookie Cutter (4 Namielle)
Cookie Cutter (Masterā€™s Touch)

Added end game impact phial sets:
Guard 1 Masterā€™s Touch
Guard 1 Artillery 5
Added Silver Rathalos and Kadachi CBs to Charge Blades worth crafting section
Removed Armor to consider section

Updated end game impact builds

Added Armors to consider
Restructured build section, splitting MR70> and before MR70 into different sections
Added 2 builds for poverty, 3 builds for early endgame, and 1 build for late endgame

Added No Decorations and No Level 4 Decorations set

Page created

This page is a collection of armor sets including decorations for Charge Blade in MHW Iceborne. While most of the builds are for endgame/postgame where all decorations are available, there are also progression builds starting from the beginning of Master Rank. Many builds require event equipment but I provide (weaker) alternatives without event equipment where possible.

I have also written a Charge Blade guide for Iceborne which can be found at the top of the page or here. The guide is made to be easily digestible for people starting with zero experience with Charge Blade, but also contains info up to techniques that even advanced players may not know.

Most of the builds on this page are geared toward maximizing offense rather than defense. There are a few reasons for this. More damage equals shorter fights, which means less time for the monster to attack you, less time chasing the monster to other areas, less time for your stamina to deteriorate, less time recharging your shield, etc. Also, more damage means the monster will flinch and topple more frequently, meaning even more openings for damage and even less time where the monster is attacking you. Two exceptions are Guard and Health Augment, but Guard is not strictly a defensive skill as it can give you more openings to counter monster attacks and Health Augment is just too convenient. If you find yourself fainting too much with these builds, feel free to substitute some Attack, Critical Eye, or Offensive Guard for Health Boost and Fortify as they are the most slot efficient defensive skills.

Except for progression CBs, these are ranked from strongest to weakest. However, depending on events available at the time you may need to settle for something other than the strongest one.


Saberā€™s Maw II (Great Jagras tree)
Dear Rosetta (Pink Rathian tree) OR Chrome Fortress III (Iron tree)


1. True Fatalis Charger (EVENT: Fatalis)
2. Safiā€™s Shattershield* (EVENT: Safiā€™Jiiva)
3. Lightbreak Charge Blade (Raging Brachydios tree)
4. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œCrusherā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth)
5. Danteā€™s Devil Sword+ (EVENT: Code Red & EVENT: A Shocking Climax)
6. Royal Star Shield (EVENT: 50 Shades of White)

* you can get other status CBs if you want, Blast is the best general purpose one


1. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œKingā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth)
2. Safiā€™s Hellshield (EVENT: Safiā€™Jiiva)
3. Glavenus Bardred (Glavenus tree)


1. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œWaterā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth)
2. Safiā€™s Aquashield (EVENT: Safiā€™Jiiva)
3. Deep Terroir II (Jyuratodus tree)


1. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œSparkā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth)
2. Safiā€™s Boltshield (EVENT: Safiā€™Jiiva)
3. Demonlord Blade (Furious Rajang tree)
4. Despotā€™s Thundergale (Zinogre tree)


1. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œIceā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth)
2. Deep Schnegel II (Beotodus tree)


1. Kjarr Strongarm ā€œDecayā€ (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) & Alatreon Morphblade (EVENT: Alatreon)
ā€“ Situational, Morphblade can be better with Focusless Velkhana 2 piece build
3. Safiā€™s Drakshield (EVENT: Safiā€™Jiiva)
4. Deathaxe Vaal Aspida (Vaal Hazak tree)

#Mid-story Builds

MR 1 star, no decos

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (1)

MR 3 star, no decos

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (2)

MR 5 star, no decos

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (3)

#Post-story Builds

Pre-Lightbreak, no decos

If you are unable to farm Raging Brachydios right away (see below explanation), here are some builds you can continue building towards until you can get Raging Brachydios gear. Chrome Fortress III can be replaced with Danteā€™s Devil Sword+ or Royal Star Shield (both from events).

Show builds

Chrome Fort (or event CB), only R8 decos and under

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (4)

Chrome Fort (or event CB), only R10 decos and under

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (5)

Lightbreak Poverty, no decos

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (6)

Raging Brachydios is a substantially difficult encounter which can be attempted as soon as the story is complete (and fighting its prerequisites Rajang and Stygian Zinogre). However, it may be too overwhelming for players until they get at least a few augments and better decorations (especially Health augment). If you cannot farm it effectively (you need multiple Immortal Reactors) I recommend waiting until you can make and augment a Beotodus CB with Health augment (MR 50+) and make a build with Guard 5 and Antiblast 3.

When you get a Magazine jewel (R7), replace the helm with Raging Brachydios a+. When you get an Ironwall jewel (R7 or combination) and Charger jewel (R8 or combination), replace the waist with Raging Brachydios a+.

Lightbreak Poverty, only R8 decos and under

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (7)

Helm can be either B+ or a+, B+ will be used more later.

Lightbreak Poverty, only R10 decos and under

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (8)

Note that builds are (more or less sorted) from strongest to weakest. However, the strongest builds usually require event equipment. If you canā€™t make a build, keep scrolling until you find one you can make.

#Fatalis Impact

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (9)

SAED šŸ˜Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ˜Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth

No need to have different builds for Masterā€™s Touch and Artillery 5 any more, this build does everything! But good luck making it!

Build variants:
-4 Attack Boost, +4 Guard
-1 Handicraft, -3 Evade Window, +4 Guard
-2 Handicraft, -2 Evade Window, +5 Divine Blessing
-3 Handicraft, -1 Attack Boost, +3 Power Prolonger, +5 Divine Blessing

#Safi Impact Masterā€™s Touch

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (10)

SAED šŸ˜„Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

If you want Guard 3, use Affinity augment and drop 2 Expert for 2 Guard.

Build variants:
Guard 5
HR Teostra Gamma Helm
HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 5)

#Safi Impact Artillery Secret

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (11)

SAED šŸ˜Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

While this looks almost identical to Lightbreak Charge Bladeā€™s Artillery Secret build, the higher base attack from Safi with all attack awakenings provides a significant difference in phial damage. Thanks to CurrySama#6374 for the improved G1 builds. Thanks for Anonymous for the improved G5 build.

Build variants:
Protective Polish + Item Prolonger
Guard 5

#Lightbreak Masterā€™s Touch

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (12)

SAED šŸ™‚Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: None

This build does not easily fit Guard 5. If you want Guard 5 it is recommended to use the Gamma helm build or Artillery Secret build. If you want Guard 3, drop 1 Attack and 1 Artillery for 2 Guard.

Build variants:
Artillery 0
HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 1, Artillery 3)
HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 1, Artillery 0)
HR Teostra Gamma Helm (Guard 5, Artillery 0)

#Lightbreak Artillery Secret

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (13)

SAED šŸ˜„Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ˜Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: None

All purpose recommended! Artillery 5 has been reborn and it is REALLY strong (compared to Zorah sets).

Build variants:
Guard 5

#Kjarr Crusher Masterā€™s Touch

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (14)

SAED šŸ™Savage šŸ™‚Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜„Status šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth

This build goes ultra hard on blast buildup, with decent physical damage.

#Kjarr Crusher Artillery Secret

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (15)
SAED šŸ™‚Savage šŸ™‚Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜„Status šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth

Doesnā€™t go as hard on blast but 500 blast plus Critical Status is still nothing to sneeze at. This is the SAED version of Kjarr Crusher.

Note that builds are (more or less sorted) from strongest to weakest. However, the strongest builds usually require event equipment. If you canā€™t make a build, keep scrolling until you find one you can make.

#Kjarr Fatalis

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (16)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Arch-Tempered Velkhana
Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Kjarr Safi + Fatalis Hybrid

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (17)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva
Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Kjarr Element Safi 5 (Critical Eye)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (18)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (19)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (20)

SAED šŸ˜Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ™
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth
Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons! Kjarr weaponsā€™ high natural affinity and Safi 5 bonus 40% allows abandoning Weakness Exploit and having 100% affinity all the time when your weapon is drawn.

Build variants:
Ice Guard 5
Water Guard 5
Fire/Thunder/Dragon Guard 5

#Kjarr Element Safi 5 (Weakness Exploit)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (21)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (22)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (23)

SAED šŸ˜Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ™
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth
Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons! These builds are slightly stronger (and more health boost) than the above but are reliant on tenderizing to hit 100% affinity. Thanks to Nethersaw for suggesting running 2 Weakness Exploit.

Build variants:
Ice Guard 5
Water Guard 5
Fire/Thunder/Dragon Guard 5

#Safi + Escadora Hybrid

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (24)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (25)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (26)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (27)

SAED šŸ˜„Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ™‚
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, Alatreon
Kjarr Fire and Thunder are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.

Similar power to Safi 5. Sacrifices a few slots for lots of elemental defense, but you are locked into eating for elemental resistance food (which is lost if you faint).

Build variants:
Alatreon Morphblade

#Escadora Morphblade

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (28)

SAED šŸ˜„Savage šŸ™‚Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: Alatreon

For those that actually want to use the new armor and weapon. Itā€™s not stronger than Kjarr weapon or Safi armor, but it is REALLY hard to die using this build. It still does respectable damage. You can get Guard 3 or 5 by changing the decorations in the helm (losing Offensive Guard and/or Expert).

Build variants:
Focus 3

#Kjarr Element Masterā€™s Touch

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (29)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (30)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (31)

SAED šŸ™‚Savage šŸ™‚Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth
Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

This build is for folks that hate that Safi bleed.. plus with Critical Element, Crit Boost, and Masterā€™s Touch you get to triple dip in affinity. The Guard 5 variants can be made more efficient if you have Kaiser Gamma helm, in exchange for defense and Health Boost. Legs are interchangeable for Kulve or Garuga legs depending on the decorations you have available.

Build variants:
Ice Guard 5
Water Guard 5
Fire/Thunder/Dragon Guard 5

#Safi Element Safi 5

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (32)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (33)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva
All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical. This build is replaced by Kjarr Safi 5.

Build variants:
Guard 5
Guard 5 (Beotodus)

#Safi Element Safi + Teo Hybrid

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (34)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva
All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical.

Sacrifices some element for the mostly infinite sharpness of Masterā€™s Touch. Requires Teo essence so Beotodus CB cannot use this set. This build is replaced by Kjarr Safi 5 / Kjarr Masterā€™s Touch.

Build variants:
Guard 5

#No Event Equipment Cookie Cutter (Masterā€™s Touch)

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (35)

SAED šŸ˜Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: None

Can be used with any elemental CB.

#No Event Equipment Cookie Cutter (4 Namielle)

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (36)

SAED šŸ˜„Savage šŸ™Sharpness šŸ˜Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: None

Only recommended for high element (base 390+). Only recommended for SAED focused playstyle. This set is replaced by Safi set.

#No Event Equipment Cookie Cutter (True Critical Element)

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (37)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ™‚Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜„
Required Event Equipment: None

Can be used with any elemental CB. Recommended for Savage Axe focused playstyle.

If playing a Savage Axe centric playstyle, you may opt to drop Focus (and Artillery for Impact Phials) to maximize your physical damage using the logic that if you donā€™t use SAED at all, you donā€™t need the extra phial generation from Focus. Note that even for this playstyle, dropping Focus has some downsides: making your Double Slash and Condensed Elemental Slash (sword buff) charge slower, and occasionally costing you extra attacks in sword mode (compared to Focus 3) before you can reload and attack in Axe mode.

Both Impact and Elemental builds are in this section.

#Fatalis Impact Focusless

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (38)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ˜Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, Alatreon

Compared to regular Fatalis Impact, this basically gains Power Prolonger 3 and Peak Performance 3 in exchange for Focus 3 and Artillery 5 without losing any Handicraft.

Build variants:
Guard 3
Guard 5

#Safi Impact Focusless

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (39)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

For Savage Axe fanatics only, dropping Focus and Artillery for pure physical damage. Thanks to CurrySama#6374 for the improved SafiBrachy build.

Build variants:
Safi 3 + Masterā€™s Touch + Resentment
Safi 3 + R.Brachy 2 + Resentment (Highest EFR)

#Lightbreak Focusless

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (40)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: None

For Savage Axe fanatics only, dropping Focus and Artillery for pure physical damage.

Build variants:
HR Teostra Gamma helm

#Kjarr Fatalis Focusless

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (41)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Arch-Tempered Velkhana
Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Kjarr Safi + Fatalis Hybrid Focusless

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (42)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva
Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar builds.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Kjarr Alatreon + Fatalis Hybrid

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (43)

Required Event Equipment: Alatreon, Fatalis, MR Kulve Taroth
Water, Fire, and Thunder use similar but not identical builds. Dragon is outclassed by the Velkhana Gamma hybrid below.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Alatreon Morphblade Alatreon + Velkhana Hybrid

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (44)

Required Event Equipment: Alatreon, Arch-Tempered Velkhana

#Kjarr Element Safi 5 Focusless

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (45)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (46)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (47)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ˜Sharpness šŸ™‚Comfy šŸ’€
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth
Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Kjarr Element Masterā€™s Touch Focusless

Click to expand

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (48)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (49)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (50)

SAED šŸ’€Savage šŸ˜„Sharpness šŸ˜„Comfy šŸ˜
Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva, MR Kulve Taroth
Kjarr Fire, Thunder, and Dragon are identical in stats and use the same builds as Fire.
Remember that you can add custom upgrades to Kjarr weapons!

#Safi Element Safi 5 Focusless

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (51)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (52)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical.

#Safi Element Safi + Teo Hybrid Focusless

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (53)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical.

Sacrifices some element for the mostly infinite sharpness of Masterā€™s Touch. Requires Teo essence so Beotodus CB cannot use this set.

#Safi Element True Critical Element

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (54)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (55)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical.

Higher physical hits (including Savage Axe ticks) than Safi 5 (Focus 0), but lower phial damage.

#Safi Element Safi + Velkhana Hybrid

Click to expand (hidden due to being outclassed by Kjarr)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (56)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (57)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

All Safi elemental CBs use the same builds (with appropriate elemental attack) as their stats are identical.

Somewhere between Safi 5 and True Critical Element. A hidden contender?

Build variants:
No Protective Polish
No Protective Polish (Beotodus)


Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (58)

Build variants:
No Kjarr (Beotodus CB)
No event equipment (Beotodus CB)


Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (59)

Required Event Equipment: None


Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (60)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

Tenderize uptime is not great on Kulve so you may trade some Health Boost or Razor Sharp for Expert if you want.

Build variants:
No event equipment (Lightbreak CB)

#Anti-Raging Brachy

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (61)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva

Safi 5 set will deal more damage but the bleed makes this fight much more difficult than using an MT set.

Build variants:
No event equipment (Beotodus CB)


Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (62)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva

You can trade Protective Polish for Hard Water Res but I recommend dropping Coalescence if you do this.

Build variants:
No event equipment (Glavenus CB)

#Anti-Alatreon (Defensive)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (63)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (64)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva

Match weaknesses with the starting element of Alatreon. Savage Axe playstyle deals the most damage to Alatreon but this build can play either Savage or SAED.

Recommended mantles: Temporal and Rocksteady (can be risky) or Glider. A surprisingly strong strategy that doesnā€™t sacrifice any damage is for your whole party to equip Glider mantles with 2 Wide Range+ decos.

Build variants:
Poverty build TBA

#Anti-Alatreon (Offensive)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (65)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (66)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva

Match weaknesses with the starting element of Alatreon. A more aggressive anti-Alatreon build that is only for Savage Axe playstyle, and is not immune to blights in order to proc Coalescence.

#Anti-Fatalis (pre-clear)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (67)
Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (68)

Required Event Equipment: Safiā€™Jiiva

Above: SAED build & Savage build

Be warned that Charge Blade is a rough time vs this monster, at least before getting its armor. AED and SAED are easily punished by Fatalis, it has almost no openings from guarding attacks (so Guard isnā€™t worth taking), and CB has a hard time dealing head damage when the monster is not toppled. Not being able to easily break the head means dealing with full strength blue fire in the last phase unless you are multiplayer and your teammates can help break the head.

Savage has higher damage potential and does more head damage but requires a difficult playstyle where you mostly stay in Axe mode (therefore cannot block) and use Rising slash and Downswing combo.

Other tips:
Fatalis cannot be KOā€™d or clutch claw staggered
Fatalis topples from head break, mount, dragonator, one-shot binder, cannon shots (after 7-8), and ballista damage to the chest while flying
A hunter with Ghillie mantle can set up a topple from the get go using two fully loaded cannons (the player doing this should use Heavy Artillery 2)
Flinch shot does not launch Fatalis forward unless he is crawling (not standing)
There are two one-shot binders in the arena, one near the shield that is melted by the first nova and the other near the ballista on the opposite side
Paralysis is basically a topple but takes a long time to apply

#Anti-Fatalis (post-clear)

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (69)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (head and arms)

After your first one or two clears you should be able to make this. You may have to mix and match if you get unlucky and donā€™t get any eyes for the head.

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (70)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (head and waist)

Savage Axe version.

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (71)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (4 pieces)

This is after you can make 4 pieces of armor and its weapon. Artillery 5/Flexible version.

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (72)

Required Event Equipment: Fatalis (4 pieces)

This is after you can make 4 pieces of armor and its weapon. Savage Axe only version.

#Sword Only

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (73)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth, Safiā€™Jiiva

Three interesting properties coincide to make this strategy stronger than you expect: (1) ā€œoverchargedā€ sword (when you attack too much before reloading) is forced to bounce on every attack (2) if you prevent an attack that would normally bounce from bouncing, it will have no hitstop (3) Charge Blade can give itself Mindā€™s Eye on all sword attacks by charging the sword. Basically, you can attack SUPER fast when your sword is overcharged and get tons of sword phial explosions (Video).

This is only recommended for elemental CBs as you get the benefits of much higher damage phial explosions and Critical Element. Also, it can still work without charged sword as Shield Thrust always creates a phial explosion (you will need Mindā€™s Eye decoration if you do this). Power Prolonger is also optional.

#Girros Cosplay

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (74)

Required Event Equipment: MR Kulve Taroth

Is this build good? Probably not. Does it have 860 Paralysis and Critical Status? Absolutely. For more raw, you can swap the charm for Challenger Charm V and drop to 2 Paralyze Attack.

Iceborne Charge Blade Builds (Console & PC) (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.