Ángela Aguilar on Finding Happiness in Solitude and Keeping Traditions Alive (Exclusive) (2024)

The Princess of Mexican music is full speed ahead in her career — and she's doing it on her own terms.

On June 2, Ángela Aguilar, the daughter of iconic regional Mexican music singer Pepe Aguilar, will kick off her Piensa En Mi tour. Speaking to PEOPLE about the run, Aguilar opened up about how she prepares for life on the road, balancing her career as a teenager and how her family has shaped her into the woman she is today.

"I'm getting better each season — not to say that I was bad at the beginning, but I was 14," Ángela says, reflecting on her first tours as a younger teen. "So now that I'm 19 it's a whole new experience."

"It's also the first time I'm going to sing these Bolero songs I recorded and I'm so excited," she adds.

On the road and as she records music, Angela is grateful to have her dad by her side.

"One of the things that he's told me is, 'You gotta be truthful, because people can see right through you.' It's like, 'If you're not truthful, you're unhappy. And you're doing this to be happy and you're doing this because apparently it's your passion.'"

"What my dad has always told me is that if you're not appreciating it, and if you're not happy with it, just go because there's a lot of people that do want to be here," she adds of her dad's advice.

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When asked how she's found her place in the music industry aside from her family, Ángela prefaces her answer with a laugh: "I'm gonna say something so controversial."

"I don't want to have a career outside of what my parents are doing. Like, why would I? Genuinely, I'm my own person. And I know that you can see by the songs that I've released and everything," she says, adding of the men in her family: "These people are so impressive and I learned more about them every single day. I'm like, 'Bro, why would I start from zero if you can teach me everything?' And I say that in the most humble way possible."

"I think it's amazing to learn from my family. I admire them so, so much. These past couple years have been amazing for my career. But the only reason why I've been able to stay grounded and withhold and withstand all the good and all the bad — because there's been a lot of bad too — I feel like it's because of my family and knowing who we are and knowing what we're doing and where we come from. It's just beautiful that I can express that with music."

The 8-stop tour will kick off in Chicago and the "Que Agonia" singer will hit major cities before she wraps up on June 24 in Phoenix, Arizona.

As someone who's been touring for nearly five years, Ángela learned that she's "really good under pressure."

Ángela Aguilar on Finding Happiness in Solitude and Keeping Traditions Alive (Exclusive) (3)

While there are several things to look forward to when attending an Ángela Aguilar show, her colorful and extravagant dresses are a fan favorite — and she says this time around won't be any different.

"Since I was little, I really wanted to keep the Mexican traditions alive but modernize it a little bit more. And this tour, we're gonna work a lot with silhouettes," she says. "As you can see, with my tour and everything, it's a little bit more classic. It's really cool because I'm incorporating a lot of Mexican designers from different parts of Mexico that bring me different things."

The singer continues, "And it's this amazing thing where it's more than me. It's me, I'm whoever. I'm a girl that sings but these traditions must stay alive. And I love that little girls come and see my dresses and they ask their parents, 'Hey, what is that?' You know, I don't see that normally."

Meanwhile, her one tour must-have is her adorable dog. Although for Angela, cleansing the air is really important too.

"I'm very spiritual in the way that I really think about like energies are very, very important to me. So obviously before the show have palo santo (holy wood) and we cleanse the area," she says. "Being an artist, you're very susceptible to a lot of energies and I really want to fill the space and give everyone the best energy I can."

Her busy career aside, Aguilar says she's focusing on getting to know herself this year.

"I'm really focusing right now on being able to be alone. It's very necessary because we're very alone. You know, we perform for 4000 people, 3000 people... when I do the credit bows, and then I go back to my hotel and I'm alone. So it's something that I constantly want to work with. I just want to learn how to be by myself and be happy and not need anybody else," she says.

Nonetheless, "This is going to be one of the busiest years yet so I'm very grateful — I'm happy and I'm ready."

Ángela Aguilar on Finding Happiness in Solitude and Keeping Traditions Alive (Exclusive) (2024)


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